A hot look for the hipster fly fisherman??



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2015
I have only done this once before, but I forgot my wading boots yesterday morning. Thank god I wasn't wearing flip flops and was wearing a pair of slip-on skateboard shoes. A little tight and very slippery, but the stockingfoots fit in them enough to salvage the morning. I did more sitting than walking, but I was able to get a few rising to trico emergers on a flying ant pattern... Hot look, yeah?


LOL been there brother, but I didn't for get them, I was just too cheap to buy a new pair. LOL
now if they only made "skinny" waders, you could complete the look. :cool:
Word. I thought you had sprayed the bottom of your waders with fake tan and that was the new trend..

You definitely appreciate your wading boots when you forget them. I once forgot mine and decided that I would just use my hiking boots as a stand-in. First problem was skidding around all over the place, given the different rubber on the bottom. Second problem was hauling around what felt like several gallons of water in each boot. Since hiking boots are designed to keep water out, they also do a pretty good job of keeping any water that gets in from getting out.
I think LL Bean carries flannel vests.
Love it. Keep em coming! Skinny waders would definitely be a thing, although the same skinny rockers could just wear the casting for cure cut waders, I guess.
I used to wet wade in Converse All Stars sneakers.

This doesn't seem much different.
i used to wear sneakers on 'death marches' on Cape Cod. 2 miles in wading boots each way to an inlet was not fun.

i eventually bought a pair of simms flats sneakers which is what i wear now for all my fishing.

although, actually i am thinking of wearing sneakers again for floattubing as they will be in flippers anyway...
Forgot my wading boots one day so I used a pair of hiking shoes.

How bad could that be?

It was bad. Big difference.
I own a cheap pair of Wal-Mart sneakers in size 15 specifically for wading. When I hike way back in with a pack loaded up there is no way I'm carrying my wading boots. It may look funny but it is so much better carrying the lighter weight.
Great for walking in, no doubt! If given the choice, I doubt I would select the Vans again, however. I too have rocked the chucks in the SGLs.
Not only that it looks like you're standing in poison ivy
It's hard to say as you've seemed to cut your 'monkey bun's out of the photo. Please post uncropped version.
I just now saw this and it might be one of the best 'hot' correct' errors I've ever had. It should have read "man bun" and not "monkey buns". Lol.
laszlo wrote:
Not only that it looks like you're standing in poison ivy

Actually, his hipness is entirely safe from poison ivy in this pic.
Hey moderators! I just got a great idea.....Have a poisoneous encounter section at the top to show everyone what they could encounter in PA.
Nice. Whatever it takes. This is the first year I have had stocking foot waders with real wading boots I have to say compared to my old boot foot hip boots, I can walk miles and miles in wading boots. I'm not sure I would want to try it street shoes.
krayfish2 wrote:
I just now saw this and it might be one of the best 'hot' correct' errors I've ever had. It should have read "man bun" and not "monkey buns". Lol.

monkey buns is golden. I think it fits well. Maybe even better than man bun.
nomad_archer wrote:
krayfish2 wrote:
I just now saw this and it might be one of the best 'hot' correct' errors I've ever had. It should have read "man bun" and not "monkey buns". Lol.

monkey buns is golden. I think it fits well. Maybe even better than man bun.

I know! I thought I was not hip to a new term for that sweet look!
fwiw, I saw a gray silk fishing vest in a thrift store in Carson City NV a few years back. I passed on buying it. But, they're out there.