A Hawk's Tale



Active member
May 28, 2010
Went out to get in the car this morning and I saw something laying in my neighbor's front yard. Walked over to it and it was a red-tailed hawk. I surmised a wing must be broken. I called Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and they referred me to Red Creek Wildlife Center located in Schuylkill County. They asked me to bring it to them, which I did. I put a towel over it, combed back the wings so they would not be damaged, and put it in a small dog carrier.

Turned out in was electrocuted. Feet were burned and the electricity probably exited through a wing. May be rehabilitated if it does not have an internal injury. If it cannot be released because of injury and it lives, they will probably use it for educational purposes.

The reason I'm posting this is to let everyone know about Red Creek Wildlife Center if the need arises.
Good on ya, mate!!
Yo out

Red Creek WC is a fine group. The West Chester Fish, Game and Wildlife club has had them drive all the way out to give a fine presentation. They brought a number of live raptors and big birds who were inspiring to see. The kids in the audience really loved watching a vulture gobble down mice. My wife was so impressed, she donated a CNote to their cause.
Good on you for helping injured wildlife.

I had a similar deal with a great horned owl a few years ago.
The hawk died this morning, probably from internal injuries. I tried.
Sorry to hear that. They are magnificent birds. Thanks for trying to save this one.
I made a promise to Red Creek today. If anyone within a reasonable driving distance from me encounters an injured raptor and they don't want to handle it, I will. All they have to do is call me, which Red Creek will do.