A first for me...



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013

Took a small clouser minnow in the Little Assawoman Bay (DE) yesterday morning.

Wind was too strong to paddle out to the deep channel where there are supposed to be bigger fish, but I'm thrilled to finally get a flounder on the fly!


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Beyond cool Sarce! I still don't believe there are any fish in the Atlantic or estuaries as I've never caught anything while fly fishing in salt!
Aaesome no use that fish for bait :-D
Fredrick I bet it would've made great bait! Lol. Cut it up and it probably would have caught more flounder...

JG i have been trying to flyfish the salt on vacations the past few years. Always manage to catch something, but have yet to land anything over 12". Usually i'm fishing back bays that are a little too far from the inlets to have anything decent (or I'm not there at the right time of year).

I wanted to stay in that area where I caught this flounder but I started getting dive bombed by a nesting bird. Later on I caught a crab (it had actually grabbed ahold of the clouser and was trying to eat it). There were tons of baby bluefish around but all of my hooks were wayyyy too big. Got a kick out of watching 5 or 6 of them at a time following and nipping at the fly though. One attacked the loop connecting the leader and tippet. A size 14 2xl nymph hook with a bead and a few strands of Bucktail would have been perfect!
Try at night if there is small blues like snapper size. Less then 8 inches then there should be some monster fluke around. Weakies and stripers become more nocturnal feeders in summer time. Focus on structure like jetties and bridges. Especially if there are lights around they will stage up cause bait gathers around the lights. If you here pops or see big shadows. thats what you should focus on if you want quality fish. Black is the best color fly for night.
black or blurple (black/purple) or red all work at night. find the channels if you want bigger fish from the back. look for holes with grass in the bottom good places for weakies.
Little Assawoman? I had to look that up only to find there is a Big Assawoman Bay. How did they come up with a name like that?
south philly !
:lol: :lol: :lol:

marcq and sandfly, thanks for the tips! Will see what I can turn up next time I go down there. Unfortunately I had to come back to State College on Wednesday, so that was the only fishing I did while I was there.
Well if you want to get into the salt a little more im always heading down the shore in the fall. Jersey has better fishing imo then DE. Bigger fish and better beach fishing. Bit of a hike from state college but if you catch fish well worth the trip.
Sarce wrote: "Unfortunately I had to come back to State College Wednesday"

Unfortunately?! :lol:
^ya got me there Ryan. Lol. I love the beach but I suppose SC has a few things going for it!

Marc thanks, I'll keep you in mind. I'm moving back home closer to philly in August, but I'm hoping to have a job lined up by then which could be anywhere in the mid Atlantic really. So I have no idea if I'll be around in the fall.
de is fine for weaks, fluke, blues, some puppy drum, etc. no stripers though. just remember theres a size limit, get caught with a under size fluke and pay the fine.