A few more chunks of knowledge



Apr 20, 2012
I find fly fishing knowledge is not akin to a fluid slowly filling your brain, but rather comes in chunks that fill you a few handfuls at a time. Last night I received a few more chunks.

Was able to get a couple hours and headed out to my usual spot. There is a small feeder stream that everyone needs to cross from the parking lot to get to the creek. Usually it is only an inch or two deep so no one ever pays much attention to it as they slosh across it.

As I was returning to my car after catching some sunnies, I started to slosh across the stream to get to the parking lot when I noticed the stream was much deeper due to the recent rainstorms. I looked upstream about only 20 yards or so and noticed a pool underneath a gracefully weeping tree. Something called me to investigate, and I proceeded to carefully pick along the weedy bank to the spot.

It was clear and very slow moving, but I could see it was at least two and a half to 3 feet deep. As my polarized lenses adapted to the water, I could see an occasional sunny swim by. Encouraged, I stood there for a long time hoping to see something bigger. I was about to leave when I saw the larger shadow of a trout scoot by!!

I started casting into the pool. The water wasn't moving my indicator at all, and I wanted my nymph to move, but I feared pulling on the line would create drag on the nymph, so I decided just to very slowly pull the line downstream toward me. I hooked a sunny, then another, and as I was unhooking the sunny, I got another glimpse of the trout. I casted to where I thought he would be heading and waited- I saw my indicator go under and I set the hook and a beautiful brownie hit the surface!! I was able to net him.

I finally felt like it really came together last night- I'm still on a high from it. I told my wife but she didn't really care, so I had to tell you guys. Can't thank you all enough for teaching me to do this(even netted with my new found net knowledge!)

Wonderful fish, story and pic! Looks like a great day!

Nice post and picture. And, you may not realize, but you just handed down a chunk of knowledge yourself......
Nice fish. gotta be atleast 10" or so. Thanks for the knowledge
NewTyer1 wrote:
Nice fish. gotta be atleast 10" or so. Thanks for the knowledge

My biggest trout this year- 12". The same little spot favored me with a nice rainbow today. Another fisherman saw me and came over to fish the hole. It really was a funny site- the whole Neshaminy in front of us, and the only two fisherman on the stream are fishing a little 15 x 15 foot hole in a tiny feeder stream off the main channel.

The challenge is to try to keep the sunnies off your nymph long enough to let the bigger fish have a look.
Nice docsab - sounds like you're having a lot of fun.

Just curious, is that a TFO rod? I've had a 7'6" 3wt for about ten years (in another thread I talk about recently almost losing it) and am in love with it. Best $79 I ever spent!
Kabutt wrote:
Nice docsab - sounds like you're having a lot of fun.

Just curious, is that a TFO rod? I've had a 7'6" 3wt for about ten years (in another thread I talk about recently almost losing it) and am in love with it. Best $79 I ever spent!

Yah. Its a TFO Pro II signature 9' 5wt. Talked to a lot of fisherman before I bought it, and everyone seemed pretty happy with the TFO line.

I haven't owned any other rods, so not much to compare it to, but so far, I've been enjoying it.
Congratulations, and yes we care... because, like you we are all driven by the same yearning. Nice move to get some with btw.
"I told my wife but she didn't really care, so I had to tell you guys."

Ahhh, apathy. I remember those days fondly. After year 20 of marriage "fishing" became the real "F" word in my house. You just don't say it. .
Cool story! Glad your getting there!

Yeah, the knowledge comes in chunks. You hit plateau's and then break through them. To keep advancing, the important thing is challenge yourself and seek new situations. It's real easy to fall into a rut, go to the same place over and over because you know the place and it's convenient. You start telling yourself it's about relaxation and you enjoy it, etc. You might even tell yourself you're really trying to learn that one stream deeply, which may be true, but you learn real slow that way.

But push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Something TOTALLY different than what you're used to. The variety of stream types that we have within a few hours drive here in PA is simply awesome. Take advantage. Big streams, small streams, steep streams, slow streams, freestoners and limestoners, stocked and wild, multiple species, warmwater, saltwater. You get the point.
pcray1231 wrote:
Cool story! Glad your getting there!

Yeah, the knowledge comes in chunks. You hit plateau's and then break through them. To keep advancing, the important thing is challenge yourself and seek new situations. It's real easy to fall into a rut, go to the same place over and over because you know the place and it's convenient. You start telling yourself it's about relaxation and you enjoy it, etc. You might even tell yourself you're really trying to learn that one stream deeply, which may be true, but you learn real slow that way.

But push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Something TOTALLY different than what you're used to. The variety of stream types that we have within a few hours drive here in PA is simply awesome. Take advantage. Big streams, small streams, steep streams, slow streams, freestoners and limestoners, stocked and wild, multiple species, warmwater, saltwater. You get the point.

Well stated. And in addition to fishing different streams, fishing with different partners, I think we all have something to teach, and just as much joy felt by showing someone how to catch a fish, as catching it yourself.

by hagman on 2012/7/11 16:09:43

"I told my wife but she didn't really care, so I had to tell you guys."

Ahhh, apathy. I remember those days fondly. After year 20 of marriage "fishing" became the real "F" word in my house. You just don't say it. .

Uh Oh, fishing is almost at that point in my house and I've only served 15 years so far..
I agree with Pcray - different streams to broaden your horizons, and I agree with docsab - different partners to learn new things.

I'd like to add - different methods / techniques. Many times beginner only fish dries or nymphs or streamers - whatever, because they caught a few fish that way and are comfortable fishing using that method.

Try to learn all ways of fishing. It's all fun, and at some point your will learn to apply each method to the fishing situation.