A day on Big Spring



Aug 25, 2014
The nice weather had me venture to BS today, did some fishing but driving over nealy road bridge I noticed a large garbage bag and a large brown sack in the middle of the stream, couldn't keep going without getting it out. The brown bag turned out to have about 40lbs of deer remains in it, along with a bucket in the stream with with the Deers stomach... A fellow angler helped me remove and clean the stream area of all the trash. What a lack of respect...
Kudos to you for cleaning this up - much appreciated.

Throwing deer parts in a trash bag off a bridge or dumping the bag at state forest pull offs... is a sorry tradition in PA. Unfortunately, it's still common.
It was not there yesterday…guess the locals like us…
I hate seeing that. Deer remains are considered municipal waste and can be put out with your regular household trash.
slay12345 wrote:
I hate seeing that. Deer remains are considered municipal waste and can be put out with your regular household trash.

That's good info to get out to people. Probably few people know this, and don't know what to do with deer remains, so end up throwing them along the road somewhere.

We often come across black plastic bags with rotting deer remains when doing stream cleanups in April.
troutbert wrote:
We often come across black plastic bags with rotting deer remains when doing stream cleanups in April.

I bet that smells nice... Won't wild animals consume deer remains?
Thanks for the cleanup.
Wild animals will always eat others remains, if that doesn't happen we could always email the food network. Andrew Zimmern would be all over those Chittlings
Holy moly Adam, I just realized where you were coming from! I'll do a little better in april to head farther west..for some reason I thought it was east ha!

Kudo's to the gut pile removal.
It's a trip for me but worth it each time, I just get up earlier. . I wouldn't travel too far west cause you'll run out of good trout waters the closer you get to Pittsburgh. Was nice meeting you AkDan, hope we can meet up in April to fish some hatches.
I live on a rather sizable property along the Juniata with ownership to a good stretch of river shore. Every year we find about 10 bags of deer carcasses thrown down over the forested banks along the river. Every pull off/parking space along the river is usually littered with "deer bags" as well...pretty unfortunate and irresponsible.
Nice job removing it. As a hunter myself, this is the type of thing that gives hunter's bad names. Once again, nice job.