A day of exploration, a skunking, a surprise



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
Today I went and checked out two streams I've never fished. One of them I made a few casts in and decided to bag it. This stream was very narrow and sandy but had depth and decent looking holding spots. I caught no fish here. The next stream was small but gorgeous. Perfect gradient, perfect structure, perfect pools and holding water everywhere. I still didn't catch a fish. I didn't see a fish. I flipped rocks and found various mayfly and caddis larva, but no fish. I tried various flies, but no luck. As I was standing beside an awesome undercut bank on the bend of the creek that also had a gorgeous pool on the bend, I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I stood motionless and looked, I saw brown, I thought it was a small deer but it wasn't. Then I realized it, a bobcat! It hopped up on a log looking my direction. I carefully reached in for my phone, it spotted me and stared me down and I stared right back at it. After about 10 seconds, it bolted and vanished. Before it left I got a few pics and a video, though. I've included some lovely stream pics below and the bobcat.

I've spent a ton of time outdoors fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc and this was my first time seeing a bobcat in the wild. I was tickled. The black nose dace streamer I tied on caught nothing and, after only 15 more minutes of fishing, I left feeling pretty happy I chose to go exploring today.
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That's a good day in my book!!!
Dear jifigz,

You didn't get skunked, you hit a grand salami today!


Tim Murphy :)
That stream sure "looks" like it should hold some trout. Still, an awesome day after seeing that bobcat though! I'm 65, and have yet to see one in my travels, and I've spent many, many hours in the woods where I know they exist. Very secretive critters.
Bright blue skies can make fishing tough. Good day to scout ,though. Cool bobcat!! Is cool you got a photo . They spook real easy.
I think the bobcat is stocked. Ha ha, no that is cool. I spent lotsa time in the woods and I never got a clear look at one. That’s memorable day.
I’ve had a few dart across the trail in front of me on my mountain bike, but never got a clear look at one like that. Very cool!

My dog brought home a surprise a few years back. Picture attached. Got it cleaned and have it sitting on a bookshelf.

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Sounds like a win in my book. Some of my best days in the woods were ones that I didn't catch a fish, kill what I was hunting, etc. All too often we get singularly focused on one thing, and lose sight of the "big picture".
Amazing you were able to snap a decent photo. Quite the experience. I was luck to get some video of a pair of river otters frolicking near me a couple years back. Our great state of Pennsylvania still has some pretty cool wildlife...
That was me in the photo!