92 in the Shade by T. McGuane



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I don't know whether I saw this book lionized on this site or another as a great fishing book, but I got my dear, darling wife to buy it for me. I just finished it. Don't waste your money on it. It is a ramble from the '70s with a few good one liners, but it is not a good read at all. Sorry to write this, as McGuane is often referred to as "Thomas McGuane, the novelist," in fly-fishing print and is an ardent conservationist. But, this is not a good novel and was not worth the $3.99 plus postage that I paid for it. :-(
Thanks, I'll stay clear of that one.

Give Mr. McGuane a second chance by picking up a copy of An Outside Chance, if you get the chance. This was the collection of essays that came out in the early 1980's, long before The Longest Silence. An Outside Chance is "essays on sport" -- not just angling -- and he talks about hunting, roping, and riding as well as trout and saltwater fly fishing. A great read -- less arty -- and the real thing.