8wt shootout 2011


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Thanks for the link!

This just confirms my liking of TFO rods. For the price there's not much out there to compare. You could buy 3 of them for the price of the G Loomis, for just a hair less in performance (according to this info). If I had the money I might spring for a high end rod, but why if you can just add more gear and get very similar results in what matters most, fishability.

Since they geared this mainly towards the salt I wish they would of did the shootouts with 9 wts . I can't wait for the Loomis CC to discontinued so I can buy one . I haven't tried the BVK yet but look forward to trying one now
The Bvk is a pretty sweet line up for a good price.
Ya, I don't see how you could not buy the TFO with that review.

Naturally I don't agree with the decision to use the BIImx in the line up. I got a 7wt BIIIx a few weeks ago and it is head and shoulders above the BIImx in all respects.
I have an 8wt Sage xi3 that I bought in spring of 2010, literally about three weeks before I found out I was moving away from the ocean to PA trout country. Oh well. Anyways, the rod's a beast and although I've only gotten to fish the salt twice this year, I love casting that rod. On the plus side at this rate it'll last a lifetime.

When I was back in MA visiting my folks, my Dad and I cast the BVK, Orvis Access and Sage Flight in a 9 wt. The BVK clearly stood out as the winner for us. The Access stood out too, for sucking.

I still like my xi3 better, but in no way is it 3x better.

As for the NRX, what's with the teal wraps? I've never cast a Loomis rod. I hear many good things, but is it so hard to make one that looks good too?