6wt line recs



Jun 25, 2019
I have a 9' 6 wt i fish a lot on a good sized river i want to get new line for. Its a graphite rod and its fast. I fish dries most of the time, though i would like to learn to nymph more. The rod is fast enough that i could probably over line it but i don't really want to for some reason. I've had it a long time and bought it when i knew much less about fly fishing and didnt cast it first. i'd never buy a rod that fast now (i'd at least get a flex tip or mid flex rod, i like the balls of the rod for fighting fish in river currents though)

The line i have had on the rod for years is 6wt RIO Selective Trout WF

Not sure what your budget is but an sa infinity smooth is a pretty sweet line. Great for fast rods and is a good all around line as well. If you’re patient you can find them used for about $50 on eBay every so often.
Madison River Fishing Company just put Rio inTouch Gold line on sale for 39.95. I see a WF6 there.
So far my leading candidates are the SA INFINITY that RYC72 (thank you sir) suggested or another SA line the MPX. Both of these are built a half size heavy which i think will be perfect for this rod.

The MPX has the super aggressive front head on it versus the INFINITY head which isnt quite as aggro as the MPX but still a little more bullet shaped than the avg WF trout line

As i mentioned i am fishing larger dries/emergers up top size 10-16 as my primary mission with a dry dropper setup being utilized sometimes, indy nymphing possibly in the mix too. I'm fishing a river with swift currents where medium casts are more common than 90 foot bombs. Lots of shorter drift windows and competeing currents where you must mend to stay in the zone as long as possible

Is the MPX too much? I'm fishing a standard trout WF taper style line now that is true to size 6 weight. I'm adding a half a size with both, for the type of fishing i like which is better suited?

Also any other lines i am missing? I like that these SA models were half size heavy and did not see that anywhere else

Appreciate the suggestion from Fritz above too. Good price on that RIO gold but it looks like basically an updated version of the older RIO selective trout I am using now. I think i need something with a tad more punch
Ive fished the amplitude mpx a lot as well...it’s a great line. But I prefer the infinity smooth for one reason, it’s much easier on my fingers. The mpx shoots like crazy but the texturing can be tough on the fingers after a full day of fishing especially when I fish streamers...because of the aggressive head it’s also the better streamer line but I need stripping guards when I fish the mpx....and in freshwater I prefer to fish without stripping guards. It’s also noisy...annoys me at first but I get over it after a little bit. The texturing doesn’t bother a lot of people but it irritates my skin so that’s the main reason I now fish the smooth. If you want to make monster casts, mpx on a fast rod is tough to beat...effortless distance...not a great roll casting line but floats a lil better than the smooth. If you want to try the amplitude mpx I can dig around and see if still have it...if you like it we can work something out and if you don’t just send it back to me...just cover shipping. If interested pm me and we can work on details. All of that being said both the infinity smooth and mpx are great lines...I fish the smooth on my freshwater rods and the amplitude textured lines on my saltwater rods where I normally wear stripping guards.
For dry flies sa mastery trout wf or dt. Or amplitude trout wf or dt. Or 444 wf or dt. I like true to weight lines and really don't care for gpx/mpx with fry flies.
RYC, thanks for the offer! I really appreciate that man! At that point in my research I hadn't yet gotten into reading about the textured lines. I don't really think I am into it, just doesn't seem like the best choice for me. FWIW they make that taper in a smooth version as well, the MPX, but i think that head is too aggressive considering i want to throw dries as much as possible

After a LOT of research, I think I am going to pick up the SA amplitude smooth infinity. The rod I am using is VERY fast. Its actually an older rod, probably 10 years at least from a small rod maker called COLTON FLY from Dingmans Ferry PA. At the time I got it the faster rods were really getting popular and this was the first gen of these rods made, it is broomstick fast all the way too the tip. I think he makes similar rods now but with more give in the top 1/3 or so

So i think I am going to get the Infinity even though its a do it all line and not a dry fly taper necessarily because i think that half size heavy will really make the rod perform. I have been thinking of getting another rod and reel for dries anyway, if i do that this setup will be good for streamers/nymphs and maybe even lighter bass applications, etc

Thanks for the input on Cortland too Moon. I looked at some cortland lines and would absolutely consider them for a dry fly rod if i get another one. Hopefully we can fish together on the Upper D this year, Andy says you are a heck of a caster!


Anytime, just let me know. Andy is a good caster, I'm ok.
Rio Gold matches well with almost any rod I bought one for 40 bucks in 6wt at MRFC.
Falcon, fritz made the same call above and initially i brushed it off but i think you are both correct, especially for the price. Comparing the SA In Sm and the Rio GOLD they are nearly identical, the gold has a slightly shorter belly and a longer back taper which i think will only help with pick up (longer back taper) and won't lose much on the forward cast with a shoter belly, especially not with a line thats half a size heavy like the GOLD is.

Another bonus is i called MRFC and they have the InTouch Gold on sale for the same 40 dollar price which stretches less over time...i think i am going to pull the trigger...
It looks like maybe RIO doesn't make the InTouch Gold anymore, don't see it on their site, maybe thats why its on sale...
Rio came out with a new version. Thats why the Intouch is on sale in many shops.
im sure youll love that line as well. let us know how you like it!
I ordered the RIO for 40 bucks. MRFC doesn't even charge for shipping which is nice. The only thing i am not wild about is thats its 3 different colors but i don't think it will matter either.

I'll be sure to post results here once I am able to try it out!!
I have fished this line 3 times now and already the first 3 feet is sinking...the second outing was in lower water that was a little dirty, i probably should have used some zip line before my outing yesterday. But the first few feet was noticeably sinking and that even after i ginked it quick when i noticed. The gink held it back up for a bit but not for long

I feel like after 3 outings this shouldn't be happening. I dont love the 2 RIO lines i own other than this new one and really only snagged this because it was disco'd and 40 bucks. You get what you pay for i guess and things are disco'd for a reason. I'll be spending the extra money and getting SA next time i buy something i think
That's why I don't buy anything Rio.

For what it's worth the Cortland 333 has been okay on my 691 Igniter. It even made it through Florida saltwater.

I've been an SA fan but Cortland has been earning my business of late with performance per dollar.