4wt rod for Smallmouth?



Jun 4, 2007
I have 1 rod a 4wt 8ft i use it for trout fishing all over PA. I was curious if i could catch the occasional smallie on it? Reason i ask is my uncle was out fishing in the shad tournament in the Delaware and he said there was fish raising up all over along the banks where i can get my fly rod into. I figure some are trout, panfish and others smallies. I dont want to hook up with a fish that will break my rod since its my only 1 and i cant afford another at this time.

You would have to run into the new state record smallie to break your rod. I have landed steelhead over 10lbs on a 5wt without an issue, and I fish almost exclusively for smallies with a 5wt. You will be fine, but might have some problems casting big flies.
It would be fine on smaller bass but if you happen to get into a slammer you in for a ride. I use my 4wt alot for small crick smallies just make sure your drag is set correctly. If you run into a problem with a big fish all you need to do is point your rod straight at the fish and pinch your line against your rod and break him off before he breaks your rod. I've done this on BIG carp that take all my line and most of my backing. Just point,pinch,SNAP.....then laugh! Another problem your gonna run into with using a 4wt for Smallies is your limited on what you can throw at them. If you do go subsurface with weighted flies made sure you pinch your barbs cuz all it takes is one lazy cast and our GONNA hook yourself.
Thanks guys. I'm not fishing for smallies as my primary catch. I just want to make sure if one attacks my fly I just want to be sure lol.
Yeah, I agree with Delta. The bigger disadvantage with the 4wt will probably be just that it’s tougher/more work to throw larger Smallmouth flies with. Yours is relatively long though at 8’0, so you should still be able to get some leverage to the fly. The rod should handle the fish fine I think though. A big Smallie is gonna be a handful no matter what rod you’re using, but I think the risk of it breaking your rod is very minimal. The only thing I could think of putting your rod in jeopardy is a 4-5+ pounder getting downstream of you in relatively swift water and then you trying to muscle him back with the rod against the current. Bottom line…just don’t do that and you should be fine.

My Smallie rod is a 5wt, but sometimes I end up on a warm water creek after trout fishing and all I have is one of my 4wt rods. I’ve caught 15+ inchers on my 4wts just fine…put them on the reel and use the drag to play them out. If you hook into a big one just know you’re fighting the fish on a light weight rod, and adjust accordingly…let em’ run, don’t horse them in, and although it will probably be rare/almost never, know when ya gotta let one break you off (as Delta mentioned). Fish with 8lb (give or take) mono as your tippet and that should break well before your rod. My guess is you’ll find that Smallies (and the Sunfish that live in streams with them) are a blast on that little rod.
You can certainly use your 4WT for smallies.
I prefer a 9' 7wt for D-river smallies, as I'm throwing ( as opposed to casting) some heavy flys). But for small stream guys, your rig is fine.
A couple years ago I took my 4wt to the Lehigh River intending to catch some trout. I was fishing close to Rockport and found myself a nice smallie stretch. I caught a few but what a circus trying to bring them in. The Lehigh smallies aren't big but are very strong.
The fish were doing figure 8's between my legs, no way to control them, I learned my lesson. A 5/6wt is the best choice in my opinion.