31" Brown trout?



May 9, 2013
Not my fish, not caught on a fly, just thought you guys might want to see this monster.

Caught in connecticut, this kid is on a skiing website I frequent and bunch of us pass around fishing photos.

Says he was bass fishing with 55# braid and a huge spinnerbait in a local lake.

Caught and released immediately, didn't even weigh or measure it. Said he couldn't care less if it was a record or not.

I was driving on Rt 84 and just got passed on the shoulder by nightstalker. Looks like he in a hurry to get to New England....now I know why
Just read the side article, kinda odd that the state is stocking these potential record breaking monsters.
Sounds like a plan to increase license sales.;-)
Ah I heard that the PAFBC stocked a state record brown this year. I'd be interested if it wasn't put in by the stock truck.
It looks like the guy knew about holding it closer to the camera lens in order to get the much larger than real life look.
Something looks fishy.

Not me...as u know...I can find them local...not any need to drive more than 5-15 minutes. I would pass on the shoulder though.

Did you take the new dingy north yet...?

Anyway, it is a stocker...look at those dots. If you look at the mirror glasses...there is an absence of a photographer...hummm

I will go purchase more braid...good gear suggestion
izzitart wrote:
I don't know about that, but that thing is as bland as they get. I'd MUCH rather catch a 14" wild brown with awesome colors/spots than that monster.
Yeah, I'm not sure it's shopped. But while fun, I never really look at fresh stockers as an "achievement", nomatter how big.
I saw this on another forum a week or so ago. It said 30", 10.75 lbs and was her second time ever fishing.
