30% ?



Active member
Dec 29, 2006
Went to the stocked streams this weekend and was thoroughly letdown. Caught alot of trout but their claims of 30% larger are a bit of a reach. Maybe 10%. Plus I didnt see but 5 trout between the Breeches and Clarks that were over 15". Last year this stocking was immensly better. Best trout I caught came from Falling springs Heritage section in the form of a 16 1/2 " wild brownie. Figures. 1st round of "Bigger and Better" wasnt so hot. We'll see.
Thats what I get for chasin' the truck.
As it appears this part of a marketing ploy (see thread about youtube), I would suggest that 10% bigger for 10% of the license customers (i.e. Delayed Harvest anglers) will be balanced by 35% bigger for 90% of the license customers (i.e. put-and-take anglers).
They say 30% over all. Now if i'm the commission, I'm putting hte bigger ones where the meat hunters are going to go in April because those are the ones who whine about small fish, and lets face it, who wants to keep a 10 inch fish. 30% also only takes the average size from 10" to 11". Maybe an extra 2 oz in weight. I'd take that one wild brownie over (if it was truely wild) a few stockies anyway.
last year i was fishing a lake on opening day and they guy next to me was complaining about the dinks he was catching. "thought they were putting bigger fish in here this year". 5 min later his bobber went down and set the hook... pulled in a MASSIVE palimino. looked like an NFL football and was probably 24-25" in my estimations. They put a number of "trophy golden rainbows" on the stocking list and from my observation they are putting most of them in stocked lakes which is where most put and take fisherman go. So these large fish are pullingthe estimates of 30% to the larger end. I wish they were accurate but i'll just be happy to catch whatever hits my fly once the stockings hit my area.
I agree that the stocked fish were the biggest stockie I have ever seen, but you have to remember that last year there was practically no Winter. So the rate of feeding and growth was probably greater. 2 years ago all of the stockies around my neck of the woods were about 10 in. Last year 13". Thank you Global Warming.
Here are a couple of facts about the Bigger Trout / Fewer Trout scenario.

First, The trout themselves cannot really grow any bigger than they had in the past. They can have more weight put on them in the hatchery through feed, but not that much. Length is not going to change much on the catchable sized trout because most will still be 1.5 year old trout. 10-12" They may be a little heavier though. Length is a product of time.

Most of the 30% will come in the way of stocking more fish that grow larger in the short growing season before opening day. Rainbows put on more weight than browns so expect many many more rainbows than brown trout this year.

Also, with the "Fewer" trout, expect to see your second inseason stocking removed from the list. (unless you are talking about a highly pressured urban stream) In the South East, earlier opening day, our ONLY inseason stockings are with in the first two weeks of the season. Our LAST stocking is April 18th. Previously, our last stocking was May 18th. A month later. So instead of "lengthening" the season by two weeks by moving the opening day up, they have essentially shortened the season by 6 weeks for the truck chaser. This should go over like a lead balloon.

All you people who asked for this...be careful what you wish for.

Prediction....10% drop in license sales in 2008.

I was actually polled about this 2 yrs ago fishing Powells Creek all alone. Strange he came out there on a work day with no other fishermen in sight. But the way it was put to me then was "Would you prefer less trout but more larger ones?" Of course I blurted out yes in a heartbeat. Its coming to mind that less trout plus less stocking dates and 2 first days is to benefit Fish Commission and not satisfy the anglers at all. But now they can say we asked for it. THIS isnt what I asked for or was asked about. I thought it meant more 2-3 yr olds.
Yeah, alot of streams are done in the Harrisburg area by the beggining of May. I cant draw all conclusions to a close just yet but it aint lookin' too hot. Least not for Fishermen with my preferences. Then again I coulda been spoiled. Already caught more trout than the average fisherman will in his entire life. I can only cry so much before feeling ungrateful. Atleast the waters at the Jamboree have some later stockings with a new DHALO area to boot.
Spectorfly still out there?
Yeah, I'm here, sparingly. Family commitments. Step-son was diagnosed with Autism a few weeks ago.
I only ever check the board once a week, when I have time and only post if I feel I have something to say.
Haven't done much fishing lately. Went to Lititz Run 2 weekends ago and caught 3. 2 were around 20" and a nice 15" native brown. Haven't been to any recently stocked streams so I can't comment on the subject. I may hit one Saturday for a few hours while the wife is working. Maybe the Tully. Don't know. I'll chime in then.
Sorry to hear about your step-son, Spectorfly. I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can.

ha! take it from mister worm, they must be bigger! lol!