3 streamers (Classics as usual)



Mar 27, 2011
Been working on streamers the last while. Often a change is as good as a rest and i was burnt out with salmon flies...

America#1 8xl - first of the patriot series.

Jungle Ghost #1 8xl - working from a dog eaten JC cape i had a limited size range of JC - i wish the front three were shorter/smaller. Also wish the Silver Pheasant was somewhat bigger, but it ain't so i'll deal with it. Might have a go at the Jungle Don when i get my new cape in the mail this week.

Demon #2 8xl - been wanting to use Amherst tippets for quite a while, so here they are. Again, this one could be better. I tied the throat as a full wound schlappen feather, hence why it is so long, but i really like the sweep you get from that tie in method over the features of a loose hackle throat. Perhaps the length would be better on a larger hook...

As always, lots to improve and details to watch for in future flies. The eternal learning process continues in earnest...

Comments welcome if you have any...
(click the image for bigger)


Here's pic #2 fixed for you.

Flies look good as usual. Keep em coming!
my bad....and thanks.

Very nice.
Second that...very nice!!!
Lookin good Eunan.
Very Nice as always Eunan!!
Thanks all for the input. Gonna crank out more streamers the next few weeks i think....
You need to go fish laddie.
If I was fish I would not bite those, I would try to wife em up. those are beautiful