2nd try articulated streamer



Mar 21, 2009
Second try I think looks better. I don't love the material I got, I think the stem is too thick, or thicker than the YouTube videos I've been using for instruction anyway. Thoughts?

It looks better. When you're going through your materials be picky. Find the marabou with the right stem that you want for palmering. If it's a shorter feather you may have to use more than if they were longer feathers. It can be frustrating, especially when ordering over the internet because you really don't know what you're gonna get. I find that some things can be purchased online with no issues and some things are better hand selected at a shop. The problem is that not everyone has a shop nearby. When you get to a good one, plan on doing some shopping and you'll be much happier when you sit in front of the vise.
If you are trying to tie something similar to the Game Changer flies then you may want to look into some of the body materials made especially for tying that fly. I recently started tying the Game Changer and it is a fairly easy fly to tie once you have the right materials. Minnow body wrap (http://www.feather-craft.com/wecs.php?action=category_view&target=564) or this body wrap from the guy who created the fly work very well (http://www.caddisflyshop.com/chockletts-body-wrap.html?ref=lexity&_vs=google&_vm=productsearch&gclid=CNb66-Oil8UCFUxo7AodTHoA-Q).
It's not a game changer he's tying and he's on the right track. More practice, better materials to deal with, and he'll be turning out some killer bugs. The one above will probably fish just fine though. We are often more picky than the fish.
Wmass, it's supposed to be a Galloup T&A Bunker. I am going to tie some game changers too and I got the shanks but for some dumb reason grabbed Neer hair instead of minnow body wrap. It might work, but not sure if I want to open the $10 package to find out. Thanks guys
I've made game changers with craft fur for one material. you don't always need the prescribed materials
What Sandfly said. The game changer is more a style of fly than a recipe to be followed. You can tie them with just about any material you can get a tapered body with. Creativity and materials at hand are your only limits.