2016 Trout Stocking Schedules

Love surfing the schedule!! Thanks!!!
Im curious to see what happens with the streams that are part of the Select Stock program
The closest Select Stocked stream to me is Laurel Hill Creek in Somerset Co.

I never fished it before, but I will now. As a (relative) newbie the biggest trout I've netted so far is a 14" 'bow.

This spring, during my Annual PA Trout Fishin' Expedition and Continuous Yuengling Soiree, I'll be on the prowl for some bigger fish...
steveo27 wrote:
Im curious to see what happens with the streams that are part of the Select Stock program

I kind of am too, but i have a feeling it's not going to be a pretty sight. At least not the first couple seasons until the hype dies down. They'll be getting fished hard. They already get hit hard without all of this. You'll be seeing all kinds of ripped lips from rooster tails and kastmasters. Just my guess though. Hope I'm wrong.
Select Stocking Program=Combat Fishing! :lol:
"You'll be seeing all kinds of ripped lips from rooster tails and kastmasters."

Fly anglers should not be too comfortable in their own fishing technique with respect to jaw damage; the damage is not unique to bait and lure fishermen. We see substantial damage to trout in flies only stretches at times. Past fish population surveys on Big Spring come to mind. It makes me wonder what the guilty parties are doing when removing their hooks, especially fly hooks.
Thanks for posting. I knew this schedule was due soon. Heres to a seasonally mild March, we have had a bunch of cold ones of late. :)
724flyfishing wrote:

I kind of am too, but i have a feeling it's not going to be a pretty sight. Hope I'm wrong.

Im sure itll be a mess. Neshannock is elbow to elbow during most of the spring and summer. Same goes for Laurel Hill for most of the spring. I've never fished the DHALO secton of Loyalhanna just because. I'll probably be avoiding all 3 locations this year until late summer.
Fished White deer early season last year and it was dissapointing. Caught like 2 fingerlings. Gonna be stocked with adults now.