2016 off to a good start



May 30, 2007
With the larger streams still being a bit high, I figured I would get out and target some wild brookies this weekend. Saturday I went up to Pleasant Stream and caught 4 brook trout and a surprise 10" wild brown. I was fishing a size 16 egg pattern with a size 16 bead head pheasant tail behind it. Both took fish and had several other strikes that I missed. Not bad for 32 degrees and flurries.
Today was a little warmer at 34, with occasional light snow. I figured I would try the same tactics on a new stretch of another small freestone stream that I haven't fished in a while. I was hoping for similar results. What I ended up with was probably my best day of winter fishing yet. I fished upstream about 2 miles, hitting every pocket of calm water I could find. Seemed like every boulder had a 5-7 inch brook trout under it or behind it. When I came up on the deeper pools, I started catching bigger wild browns in the 9-11" range.
I already had about a dozen fish on the day, including 2 wild browns, when I started getting cold. I was just ready to say hey this day has been great I am heading home, but I can never seem to stop wondering what is around the next bend, so I kept moving upstream. And sure enough, around the bend was the honey hole, a 5-6 foot deep stretch of calm water with a big undercut slate bottom. It was the first stretch of calm water I had seen in over 2 miles, so I knew it had to be holding a pile of fish, and it was. I caught 6 trout out of that hole, the last one being a 13" wild brown that was likely the top predator in the water.
All totaled I caught 4 wild browns, and over a dozen brook trout, and I probably lost as many. It was definitely on one of the best winter outings I have ever had. Here are some pics.


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Those kind of days sort of stick with you forever. Nice looking water and some absolutely beautiful fish. Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story and photos.
Wow. Congratulations. Glad you got to experience that and kick your new year off right.
Looks like a blast. Feels good to catch anything in the winter - nice work!
Gorgeous pics. Love the colors on the browns