2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree 12/13/14



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
The 2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree was held yesterday at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center.

It was a fun day, and it was nice to see many old friends, and meet new ones as well.

The tying skills of our forum members was on display, and there was a lot to learn from all of them.

We also raised close to $300 for the sole benefit of the Nature Center through our raffle, and I'd like to thank all that contributed to that effort. I'm sure we'll be welcome back there for our event in future years.

Any description of the event I may add surely pales in comparison to the efforts of our tyers, so I'll let the amature pictures I took of them and their work speak for itself.


Great pics Ed. Hopefully I can make it next year.
HA, it was a lot of fun and educational. I appreciate the time and effort you and FrequentTyer put in to organize it.