2012 Quill Gordon Summit Recap



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
We're all back from the 2012 Quill Gordon Summit, and by all accounts the event was a great success! We had a good turn out of about 7 guys; Skybay, Dave_S, Turkey, CSoult, Wetfly_01, The Sasquatch, and my father, Jerry (non-board member).

The weekend started for Jerry and me at 5:30am. By 9:15am we were on the Pine Creek in Ansonia not far from Sandfly's shop. We fished for about an hour and then headed over to Sandy's. First thing we noticed was that the water was low and very very clear. No fish to be found in the AM, but lots and lots of caddis on the water.

Meeting Sandfly is worth a weekend trip in and of itself. He's full of stories, all full of hilarity and also fly fishing wisdom. His hens that he raises for hackle are beautiful, and although his shop is quite small, the amount of stuff he has in there is overwhelming! He loaded my pops and I up with flies and advice and about two hours later, we were on our way up to our camp.

We opened up Camp Iroquois on the top of Denton Hill and made plans for our evening outing. Decided to hit the Pine Creek down in Gaines. Again, LOTS AND LOTS of caddis, but no risers, no action sub surface, it was quite confusing. Dad and I decided to bail on that stretch while the evening was still young, and drove up Rt 6 to where the Pine crosses Rt 6 above Galeton, right at the Sylvania Diner. This was the right choice. Dad went down stream, I went up stream, and both of us came back to the car with reports of many rising trout and several brought to hand, mostly hold over rainbows.

After returning to camp I called Skybay to make plans for him to meet up w/ us the next day, and then called Csoult. He told me him and Turkey were already at the campground (less than a minute drive from my cabin) and that I should come over. After telling him I was too tired for socializing, I changed my mind and headed over to their camp site. Glad I did. Got to hang w/ Turkey and Csoult for a few hours, getting to know each other, drink some beer and tell some stories, before the rest of the guys came up.

Friday we met at 8am and headed to Lyman Run. Beautiful setting, but again the clear and low water was our bane. As we worked our way up stream, the further we got the more fish we saw, but we were unable to bring any to hand. After heading back to the cars, we found a tiny trib that flowed under the road and into a little drainage ditch. We spooked two brookies out of that little pool, so I decided to rock it "Lehigh Valley Style" and fish the drainage ditch. After about 15 minutes I brought my first Potter County native brookie of 2012 to hand. A hilarious approach to catching a beautiful fish!

After lunch Dave_S arrived on the scene and we made plans for the evening trip. Originally we planned on hitting the Allegheny, but after seeing the flows, Dave_S led us up to the Oswego. Right decision as the flow was much better. Tons and tons of caddis flying around, march browns, even thought we saw some sulfers...but NO RISING FISH! I managed to catch a decent sized "Golden Rainbow" on a hare's ear (fun fight!), Dave_S caught a stocked brookie, my dad caught a nice little brookie that regurgitated a big old sculpin, and csoult and Turkey were wishing they stayed at State College ;) Ended the day at the campsite, sitting around the fire ring where we met up w/ Skybay who had us all laughing and telling stories quite quickly!

Saturday was the main event. Dad and I arrived at the campsite to find that Wetfly_01 arrived, and we learned that the plan was to hit the Pine all day. Wetfly_01 quickly took on the guide responsibilities as he led us to our first destination; the Pine Creek at Darling Run. Good flow to the Pine, the weather was overcast with rain, so conditions were working for us for the first time all weekend. There were several hookups at the first section and everyone was having fun, although wet and cold. After heading back to the vehicles for lunch (Dave_S I'm sure will tell the story of "The Sasquatch in a China Shop....), we headed up to the Pine at Blackwell. Wetfly_01 had us walk upstream to get away from all the crowds, and put us on some GREAT pocket water. As the rest of the group fished upstream, I joined up w/ Csoult and started hitting large pools. The March Browns were coming off the water big time, and the trout were rising! Csoult and I caught it right and we had a blast for the next two hours picking off risers on MBs. We officially renamed the event, "The March Brown Summit". Everyone brought fish to hand, including Skybay who caught his first fish on a dry fly. I say fish, because when he landed the beast, we discovered that he caught a 3lb smallie! Great catch!

Next we drove to Slate Run Tackle Shop. Lusted after things we couldn't afford, ate some legendary Slate Run sandwiches, and then fished the stretch behind SR. The rain was coming down HARD now, it was windy, and the temps dropped about 10 degrees from what it was when the day started. Fish were still rising, but none of us could figure out to what. Lots of MB and Caddis on the water, but they weren't taking either. Tried some midges, still nothing. Dave_S hooked up w/ one on a bugger, and my dad brought a few to hand. We all had enough though and were back in the trucks by 8:30. Headed back to Camp Iroquois, got the wood stove burning, Skybay cooked for us (amazing food from Skybay!), and the guys sat around the dinner table for hours talking FFing. All except for me, who headed over to the sofa and passed out...although I added my 2 cents every now and again. All were out and in bed by 12:30am.

Turkey took off first thing the next morning, the rest of us met up and had a final meal together at the Sylvania Diner. It was a great time. Crazy to think the weekend began w/ weather in the 70s, and now they're calling for snow. No QG anywhere, but it didn't matter. The landscape and the company made the event worth every minute. Can't wait till next year!


Pine Creek at Gaines


Pine Creek Valley


Turkey gearing up at Lyman Run


Foot bridge at Lyman


Csoult at Lyman Run


Dave_S looking for his dog!


Entrance point at Oswego. Nice land owners...won't last long though as we found the trash of many bait fishermen.


Csoult and Turkey gearing up at Oswego


The Sasquatch and a golden treat


Dad and Turkey discussing where the trout might be


Sunset on the Oswego


Gearing up at Pine Creek, Darling Run access point (Turkey, Csoult, Skybay, Jerry, Dave_S)


Csoult hookin' up


A Potter County landmark


The final meal w/ (left to right) Wetfly_01, Dave_S, Csoult, Jerry, and Skybay
Nice pictures and Summary Squatch. Sorry I missed it.
Nice breakdown and pics Squatch. Looks like a good time was had.
Nice re-cap Sas. It indeed turned into the MB Summit. The fish definitely made us work for them. Like clockwork, as soon as the fish started rising, the wind and rain came down the canyon. The best part is getting to meet everyone in person. I'm always amazed at how much I learn just from watching other guys fish. This trip was no exception. Also had a blast sitting around the table at your camp Sas, listening to everyone's fishing stories. Between fishing in the rain for 8+ hours, Jared's awesome food, a few beers, and that warm fire going in the stove, I tried to stay awake as long as I could but was falling asleep sitting up.

Thanks to everyone for making the trip a memorable one. Hopefully I'll get to fish with all of you again sooner than later.
Thanks for sharing the story and pictures. Glad to hear it was a success. Hopefully my schedule will be better next year if you decide to do it all over again.
We had so much fun Jack, that its on again for next year! It's a great pre-jam event 'cause it got us all pumped up to fish together again in a month.

Great Report. First and foremost I want to Thank You and your Dad again for letting me crash at your camp Sat night. Believe me that bed was great. Just a little correction on the time we went to bed on Sat night you were a couple hours shy it was 2:15am, but then you were out cold on the couch. Guys I just wanted to tell you I had an awesome time. It was good finally meeting all of you and fishing with you. I am glad we all got some fish. One of the things I really enjoyed was sitting around the table and talking fishing with all you guys. A big thanks goes out to Skybay for cooking dinner for all of us Sat night. I think we all so hungry we could have all ate s@#& on a plate but I am sure DaveS could have eaten his with mayo and pickle juice, right Sasq. I wish the water conditions would have been a little better I sure we would have done a lot better. But all in all it was a good time and O Skybay shot a bunch of pic's and video I am sure he'll be posting something up. Guys looking forward to doing it again. And Jack sorry you missed out was looking forward to meet you. Next time.
Great report, sorry to have missed this. I miss that area.
2:15am!? Damn. No wonder I passed out. I went to bed at 12:15am haha! Well...I passed out on the couch after 12:15am. Last thing I remember saying was, "The CV guys were focused on terrestrials." Coty confirmed this, and then I fell asleep.

Glad the folks staying at our camp were comfortable. Next year I'm gonna open up the camp for the first 8-10 guys to commit! Dad and I loved having everyone there. The cabin doesn't get used nearly as much as it used to by the hunters, we're talking about slowly converting it from a hunting camp into a fly fishing camp...see if anyone notices ;-)

Such a good time. Fish with Wetfly01, and you're gonna learn some SERIOUS stuff.
What a great report! Sounds like a heckuva good Paflyfish time and has got me psyched for next month's jam..
Great report! Had me wishing I had been there!
Had a blast on this trip. I have to say that my favorite part of the trip was when Skybay latched into that SMB, I may have been more excited than him. Just want to thank everyone for the good time. Can't wait to see you all at the main Jam.
csoult had the BEST reaction to that fish! I was down w/ Turkey and I hear him yelling. I said to Turkey, "holy crap. Best celebration ever." Turkey said, "Skybay never caught a fish on a dry before. This is his first one." Then I understood. Great memory for skybay!
After seeing what was happening last week, I'm surprised you didn't see some QG, but there were plenty of flies hatching in their place last week so I knew there would be good fishing. I'll go next year, but I was there in spirit this year.
There's not much I can add to Susquatch's report. He did a great job. I will say I had a great time, and if I can speak for Cooch the Pooch, I think she enjoyed meeting everyone also!

The thing I'd like to share, for those you weren't able to make this or parhaps ANY JAM; I've met some great people at these things and this trip was no exception. You come across people of varing degrees of experience and share thoughts and ideas and perhaps just as importantly, perspectives. I hope if anyone is reluctant to go a JAM, this will help them make up their minds to go to the next one.

I'll try tp add a few pics tomorrow from work.

OH, I almost forgot, How "Sasquatch " in a China shop, came to be. I'm not exactly sure how it actually occured, but I had a small delicatessen, spead across the tailgate of my truck, for everyone to grab a sammich. 'Squatch inadvertantely spilled pickle juice and a good 2 inch dollop of mayo onto my fishing vest! It was halarious! Went I came home from the Catskill JAM last year, Someone said my "S" was for streamer. This time it stands for steamcleaning!
Oh man if you get it cleaned, send me the bill! In all reality, I have NO idea how the crap the mayo got on the vest! I think when I knocked over the pickle jar, in my rush to catch it, I used the hand that I was holding a spoon of mayo in to catch it and well, now your vest smells like a hoagie.

Hilarious stuff. I felt terrible until I saw everyone doubled over in laughter.
Least you did not rear end his car at a fly shop lol. I think sooner or later Dave is going to realize we are all a bunch of misfits that ruin his property and disappear from the board.
Man up guys make me laugh! Here's a few pics! enjoy!


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NIce report and great pictures.
Just talked to the campground. He said they got 6" of snow on Denton Hill after we left. Glad we missed that.