2007 PAFF FLY SWAP/ Call for participants



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006

This is a call for participants for 2007 PAFF Fly Swap. All are welcome to join in the fun. I am going to provide my services as I am nursing a bum leg need something to do other than drink beer all winter. Deadline for participants to join in the fun Wednesday , DECEMBER 20th, 2006.

We already have three tyers. JackM, FlyDog and Myself

Jack M has graciously provided me with the “official” rules of the game. This format has worked in the past so I will be working the swap in the same fashion. . I will send each participant a final version the rules when we have a complete head count. Please post and or email me if you want to participate.

I would ask that each participant provide me with an email addy to facilitate communication.

Please feel free to email me mattyb15601@yahoo.com or PM me here at PAFF

Thanks, I look forward to having some fun.

Matt “ Bruno” Byrne


2007 PAFF Fly Swap Official Rules:

A) The total number of participants is to be determined. So everyone should receive x # flies. Also, an optional extra fly may be tied for Dave Kile. Dave runs the PAFF site.

B) The deadline for sending flies is Jan 31, 2005. Please try to be mindful of this date. The anticipation of seeing all the creations is high and late tyers cause stress. If you experience difficulties, please contact me at my email address. A short delay isn't so bad if everyone is informed. I expect to ship all packages before Feb. 15, unless there's an unforeseen delay that everyone can live with.

C) Please send your flies to:

D) Flies will be returned in the containers they were mailed in, if possible. Keep in mind that the other flies may be larger than yours, so make your container large enough to handle that possibility. Please include either a stamped return envelope or postage. Whatever it costs to mail to me, it will cost me at least that to return, so match the postage. It is ok to combine your shipment with another tier, I will return the flies in the same manner I receive them.

E) It is nice to provide the other tyers with the fly pattern recipe, instructions, etc. At a bare minimum, provide the materials list for each part (e.g.: Hook: #14; Thread: brown; Tail: Medium Dun Hackle; etc...); preferably, give the recipe, step-by-step instructions, and a short explanation of the use of the fly, it's history, if you want, etc. If possible, e- mail the instructions/ Pictures to me so I can cut and paste them and send them out to everyone when the flies go out. This also facilitates putting together the swap page. Jack M. has volunteered to host the swap page with flies from this swap.
Count me in for a repeat performance.
Count me in this year !!! :-D
Count me in !!!!!! im off all winter and have nothing to do but tie!!!
here is a list of the tyers thus far.

Jack M
Fly Dog
Penn Kev
I'll do what is required, and not to whine too badly, but I'd be in favor of moving the deadline for finishing flies back a week into February. Right now, Jan. 31, 2005 :p is waaaaaayyy too early.
I'll give it a go this year...just have to decide what in the heck to tie
I'm in! I want some different flies.
We have 9 total tyers signed up to date. Thanks to you all for joining in so far. We have the following PAFF members tying

Jack M
Fly Dog
Penn Kev
Hey I'm in too....
Please include me.
What will we be tying? Nymphs, dries, streamers, bass, salt, fresh
crb :-D
how many flytyers do we have.
12 so far. Sign Ups end tomorrow
Did you get me? Lets see a list before you end it so those who wanted to are sure they're included.
I am definitely interested but I have to be honest, my skills are not superb. I consider myself an intermediate tier and I can tie some patterns very well, others not so well. I would like to participate if I knew more about what flies I would be tying,ect.
Tom you are in. Sorry I left you off the list before. I am keeping an excel sheet with everyones info. I will post the info on the 21st.

Please join, Your in if ya want. Tie what ever you wish.
Wmass wrote:
I am definitely interested but I have to be honest, my skills are not superb. I consider myself an intermediate tyer and I can tie some patterns very well, others not so well. I would like to participate if I knew more about what flies I would be tying,ect.
My skills are not that great. However, I do catch fish on the ones I tie and that is all that really counts. If we were looking for perfect flies I think we would be going to the fly shop. I've seen the products of several of the participants benches and I think that you calling yourself an intermediate puts you right in the middle of things. ( No offense Guys :lol: ) Heck, I watched JackM tie a fly in the front seat of my car while we were cruising down the intersate at 75mph. It was ugly , real ugly. New rule: no tying in a moving car Jack !!!!!!!!

Heck we are all doing this for fun. I still am trying to pick the pattern I am going to tie. I'll take a green weenie if thats what you want to tie. If two tyers want to tie the same fly that's fine. We can all tell the two guys who's fly catches more fish, or trees in my case. Nymphs / Drys / something for the salt what ever. I got room in my box for sure. Once we get all of the tyers I will distribute an excel with the tyers PAFF user name and the fly they are going to tie. I will update this list as people pick their fly. Maybe this will help some of us in picking the fly we are going to tie.

Matt "Bruno" Byrne
Jack is tying these :lol:
Matt, those flies are definitely not from my bench. If you'll consult the prior years' swap flies, you will see that I always mash my barbs.
BRUNO Count me in. I can tie some great indicators, also fairly good at elk hair caddis, caddis pupa.