1st Rod Build - Ideas/Feedback?



Oct 8, 2008
I'd like to give rod building a try, and I'd like get some feedback before I make a final decision on ordering the rod kit/parts.

I would like to build this rod for fishing dries, esp. on smaller streams. I would like it to be good at making short to medium range casts, and to roll cast well. I would like it to be crisp in feel, without being “broomstick” stiff, as I still cast by feel (hopefully, my description makes sense).

So far, I'm looking at the Rainshadow RX7 7'9” 3wt blank, and the Pacific Bay 8' 4wt blank. Would either of these rod blanks fit the bill? Has anyone here built a rod based on either of these blanks? If so, I'd like to hear what you think.

Any responses will be appreciated; happy holidays everyone :-D
Rain Sahdow and Rain Forsest (Pac Bay) blacks are of the same design.

The guy who created the Rain Forest Series sold out to Pac Bay and Created Batson or Rain Shadow.

Both are awesome rods to built.
I have a Batson Rainshadow Rx7 7'9" 2 piece 3wt and also once owned a Batson Forecast Rx6 in the same configuration. The Rainshadow is actually pretty stiff and fast for a 3wt. I usually fish it with a 4wt line. I've built a ton of Rx7's and it is by far the fastest action of any of them. In comparison most of the blanks in that product line lean toward a moderate action.

The Batson Forecast 793-2 was a really limber, true moderate action 3wt. It could handle a 2wt line as well but started to feel a little weird when overlined with a 4wt line. Not a bad rod, but not as versatile as the Rx7 version. I think a board member here now owns that rod, IIRC.

I can't comment on the performance of the current Pac Bay blanks. The last Pac Bay blanks I built on were a 908-3 and 865-2 IM6 Tradition blank which has since been discontinued in favor of the Tradition II series. They were roughly comparable to the Batson Rainshadows.

As for Pac Bay blanks and Batson Rainshadow blanks being the same...

Maybe... ....not really... ...I would go by the manufactures specs and not hearsay.

Both companies certainly offer some overlapping choices in certain price points, but there are differences if you compare weight and diameter specs. Batson also currently offers many configurations in their Rainshadow series that Pac Bay does not offer in the Rain Forest or any other series.

Also, Pac Bay has been around longer than Batson and both have made product changes since they've co-existed. I would not make purchase decisions based on a notion that they are the "same." However, going beyond their blank offerings, they do offer some components that are obvioulsy the same. UL3/DL3 and A series reel seats being a good example. Same hardware but either company offers some different finish and wood insert options.

Built my first rod last month. Had a blast and will be doing more. I have a couple of tips. Check your pm.
Kevin is correct in his statements about Batson rod blanks. I think the confusion is over Bob and Bill Batson.
Bob Batson was the CEO of PacBay and oversaw the operations and of course had a lot to do with the Rainshadow design rod blank. He then formed his own business --Batson Enterprises--and carried with him the designs of blanks that were working well for PacBay. Cascade Composites made those blanks. They were all located within spitting distance of each one. Now Bob died in 2003 and Bill took over.Batson ceases operations with Cascade and they stop buying, forcing Cascade to fold.
Back to your question
Take Kevins advice and lean towards the RX6 blank. If you want another blank option, try looking at the Sevier "tiger eye" blank.
AmTak has the Matrix line but I find that slightly stiffer in design but their lower weight rods are about the same. As you get heavier in weights, the Matrix gets stiffer.

I built my first rod this year and then built 5 more. I loved it and since woodworking is a hobby, I turned my own cork and real seats. Careful - it is addicting:)