131-year-old Luke paper mill in Western Maryland to close, Verso Co. announces, eliminating 675 jobs



Nov 28, 2015


The mill is one of the largest industrial sources of air pollution in Maryland, according to EPA data. Despite that, its owners and its workers for years have fought off efforts to remove black liquor from a list of renewable fuels eligible for subsidies from Maryland electricity ratepayers.


Mike Ewall, executive director of the Energy Justice Network, called the closure “unfortunate” for millworkers and their families. But, he added, “it’ll be good for people who breathe.”

If the board members have not seen the damage to the North Branch and related smells, you still have time.

Could be news for the ecosystem down the road.
Overall good news, I do feel for the workers. We can smell the mill from our house at dcl, won't miss that. That area around Westernport is already depressed, going to make it alot worse. I will be so happy to float down the branch and not get down into" the dirt" anymore.