10ft 5wt



Jul 26, 2014
My uncle is looking to get more into fly fishing, and he has settled on buying a 10ft 5wt. I told him this rod would be able to do everything he wants. He is pretty set on the length and even sees it as a benefit because he's been fishing 9ft bait rods for years.

Only problem is, I'm finding it difficult to find a rod this size in his price. He wants to keep it around $200. I know orvis has the clearwater, but I'm not sure what else would be a good option. I also saw the fenwick aetos and a moonshine rod are both available, but I have zero experience with either.

Does anybody have insight on what rods he should be looking into?
Orvis and Fenwick are the two “major” brands that seem to have this length/weight combo pretty commonly in their lineups. I think you’re on the right track with them, and their $200 range rods are very nice rods. They were the first two that popped into my head as well.

It seems a lot of rod companies make their longer (10-11 ft rods) in 2-4wt catering to the Euro nymph trends. I too wanted something a little more versatile, at the sacrifice perhaps of a little nymphing feel, and bought a 10’ 5wt. Very happy with it.
I bought a 10ft 5 weight from Moonshine Rod Company and it’s an okay rod, but I didn’t like that they skimped on the snake guides on the rod. The guides don’t taper in size as the rod tapers... it seems that they only put two sizes of guides on the rod, small ones near the tip and ones a little bit bigger as you go towards the butt end of the rod. In my experience with this rod, the fly line doesn’t go through the guides too smoothly when working line out... but I did catch fish with it. I picked it up for $170 when it was on sale around Christmas time.

I later picked up a 10ft 5 weight from Leland Fly fishing - their New Zealand nymph rod. It was pricier but it is one SWEET rod! It is actually one of my favorite rods to fish with. I have never had any casting issues with it like I did with the Moonshine rod. Like I said though, keep in mind, that I did catch trout with both rods, I just enjoy the experience of fishing with the Leland rod much more. But, the Leland rod was $375 on sale... I see that it’s priced at $695 right now.

I am a big fan of fishing with a 10 ft 5 weight. I have cast nymphs and dries with both rods. What I really like is the extra foot of reach it has over a 9 ft rod. It seems like 1 foot shouldn’t make that much of a difference, but it seems like you have more than an extra foot of reach... I can’t explain that, but it does! LOL
MathFish wrote:

I am a big fan of fishing with a 10 ft 5 weight. I have cast nymphs and dries with both rods. What I really like is the extra foot of reach it has over a 9 ft rod. It seems like 1 foot shouldn’t make that much of a difference, but it seems like you have more than an extra foot of reach... I can’t explain that, but it does! LOL

Thanks for the information on the moonshine. At the moment I think he is leaning towards the orvis clear water or a tfo.

I completely agree about the length. I'm a huge believer in the 10ft rod, actually now that I think about it half of my rods are 10ft. That's what helped my uncle decide on one. However, I have no experience with the 10ft 5wt, and I never knew they are relatively uncommon when compared to lighter or heavier rods. It seems like 10ft 3or4wts are everywhere, and so are 10ft 7wts. But the 5 and 6wts are harder to come by.
Check the Echo website. I believe they have two "Stillwater" rods that are both 10' 5 wts. One is more expensive, but the other might fit the bill. Many 10' 5 and 6wts are marketed for fishing out of belly boats on flat or stillwater.
I own a 3 wt Clearwater was Rod from Orvis. It is well made and responsive.