10102 VS 1093



Feb 26, 2016
Anyone have experience with both the T&T Contact II 1093 and the Ideal Nymph 10102?

I have the diamondback 1002 and love it, but heard the longer rods loose some of that sweet feeling that the 1 and 2 wts have.

I want to get into a higher end 106-11' rod. I have the og competition nymph 1063 and actually quite like it. I like the faster action, but it wears my arm out after a few hours.

I think I'm going to just go all the way and get the T&T, but will consider the dback if it can compete.
I don't like the T&T rods, I've had the contact 1 and 2 and both felt extremely sloppy to me. Not a fan... ok I guess if you're slinging heavy weighted stuff but, you can grab any rod to do that.

I use the Diamondback Ideal Nymph 10'10" #2 quite a bit for nymphing, it has a better recovery time IMO.

I would look at the Hardy UL 10'8" 0-2 wt honestly. It's an amazing rod for light line nymphing, dry dropper, super technical rod.
A couple of friends who are excellent fisherman have the Hardy UL 10'8" 0-2wt. They say its the best rod they have ever used. Crostin is a first rate designer and champion euro fisherman. I dont Euro / tight line but this is the rod I would get. It is spendy like the T&T rods.