10 wts



Jul 26, 2014
I'm thinking about getting a 10wt solely for fishing salmon. I already have an 8wt and even a 10ft 7wt that surprisingly was effective at catching them last year, I'm just thinking a 10 would be a better tool. However because I will only use it a few times a year so I don't want to spend alot. Are they any cheap, decent 10wts out there? From what Im seeing online, there aren't nearly as many options as 8wts.
Where are you fishing for salmon. There is only one river and maybe 2 specific spots on that river that a 10 weight would better than an 8 weight. And in those spots I use a 9 weight.

I think you're fine with your 8 weight.
moon1284 wrote:
I think you're fine with your 8 weight.
I've landed countless fish with the 8wt. I'm just looking to land them faster/easier. It's really more of want than a need.
What's your budget ?
Fredrick wrote:
What's your budget ?
Because it's something I'd only use a couple days a year, I'm looking at less than $200.

Honestly the cheaper the better. I know I'm not looking for high quality because of the low usage, and because I've seen people break and have personally broken rods there.

I even saw some rods on Cabela's website for less than $100, which is great but I'm skeptical because I don't know what I'm getting with that.
I have a 9' 9/10 Aurora Conquest that I have used for 20 years. Made in Australia I think I paid $50 dollars for it. I would love to have another if I can find one.

Got my son a Douglas 10 wt 2 years ago. I think they are great rods with excellent Cust Service. Made in USA too. Well within your budget if you chop around. I got his for ~150
I have a 10wt Cabela's rod I got on closeout when they changed model names. It fishes great on the salmon river in NY. I primarily use it as a backup to my 9wt. My closeout cost was well under $100. You can find something similar if you keep an eye on Sierra Trading Post. Cabela's doesn't seem to blow out their gear as they once did before the BassPro merger.

My approach for fishing for salmon in New York is the exact opposite of the rest of my fly fishing - more money on a reel with a good drag and less on the rod, which as you say will be claimed by that river at some point.