What Are You Tying Today?



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Brown Boogy

Tail - Golden pheasant crest
Body - Oval gold or silver tinsel
Mid wing - Golden pheasant tippets
Throat - Brown hackle over Amherst pheasant tippets
Wing - Gray squirrel over golden pheasant tippets

Pete Hiatt Originator


Hook - Mustad 94720
Thread - Black
Body - Black floss
Rib - Flat silver tinsel
Throat - White bucktail
Wing - Two orange hackles flanked by two red hackles
Shoulders - Blue peacock neck feathers
Sides - Ruffed grouse

Ronn Lucas Jr - FAOL
I'm digging that little guy.....I need to tie some of those myself if my materials (furry foam) are still any good. I think it degrades over time and mine is about 25 years old. 😂
Been a while.
You ever tie any so that the hook rides point up?
I bought two packs a few months back that clearly had been sitting in the fly shop for decades. They turned to dust as soon as I opened them. Ha.

I was thinking about inverting the pattern after I tied this morning, as I haven't water tested these and I was a wondering if the bead chain eye on the bend will flip them. I haven't tried it yet, though. Tying the foam inside the bend seems like it will be pretty annoying.

I'm also sort of thinking that if the beadchain does flip the fly as tied above, I'm maybe fine with that? If I'm casting to fish that are thinking, "Wait a second, why is this crayfish laying on its carapace," then I am likely screwed either way.
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Working on midges. I tied Jujubee midges in size 18 and 20 in red, chartreuse, blue and green. I also tied Matt’s midge size 20 in black, olive, gray and tan.


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