Penns Creek smallmouth!

Dec 9, 2009
Tuesday Morning 2 friends made the drive up from lancaster to smallie fish with the fly rods on penns. I am a diehard flly fisherman for trout but never really went after smallmouth on penns. What a day it turned out to be. Everyone caught from 20 to 30 smallmouth each. Phillyfly and I both caught chain pickeral in the catch and release section just below the fish comish cabin (winter hole). You would be shocked at the number of smallmouth in the c&r section. Great day by all!! I would have pics but I let my iphone in my pocket while wet wading!! If ya get a chance chase the bronze brusiers on penns!
Great to hear. Lower Penns (and many lower sections of trout rivers) is known to be a smallie hotspot. SMBs with columnaris lesions have been found in Penns in past surveys. How did the fish look? Any sores?
I caught this guy in the C&R section 2 years ago . Tim Holschlag listed Penns as one of the top 5 smallie spots in the state .

Nice going Mat. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I live 15 min from the lower section of penns and there are some really nice sized SMB in the area close to the susky. Down my way there is a lot more carp mixed in as well. Its a really nice summertime retreat for wet wading. congrats on the good fishing in the c&r area!
Last year we hammered SM in the C&R section of Penns. I'm fairly certain we landed well over 30 of them in a few hours if my memory serves. I also got a small musky (about 13 inches).

What a quality stream for all kinds of fishing!

Wow 12 years this post remained sleeping, waiting for the day it would be resurrected….
That is the trend around here lately. When did this forum come online? 2004? I am going to try to find one from that year and bring it back.
That is the trend around here lately. When did this forum come online? 2004? I am going to try to find one from that year and bring it back.
Dave Kile brought PAFF online in the mid 90s(!) Our site is older than most of the big tech and social media companies.

In Sept. 2006 the site was updated and we lost all the old content and everyone had to re-register that year. That's why the oldest members have 2006 as a join date, even though many of us were posting prior to that.

Further up this thread. . . there's that old Fishidiot guy who ain't around anymore. Glad we whacked him - nothin but trouble.

On a a bit more sober note - yes, this thread is 12 years old and it's generally best not to refresh such old threads, but we'll let this one roll.
Dave Kile brought PAFF online in the mid 90s(!) Our site is older than most of the big tech and social media companies.

In Sept. 2006 the site was updated and we lost all the old content and everyone had to re-register that year. That's why the oldest members have 2006 as a join date, even though many of us were posting prior to that.

Further up this thread. . . there's that old Fishidiot guy who ain't around anymore. Glad we whacked him - nothin but trouble.

On a a bit more sober note - yes, this thread is 12 years old and it's generally best not to refresh such old threads, but we'll let this one roll.
lol nothing but trouble. That seems about right 😀
Lower Penns has “always” been impressive for SMB. I was on a crew electrofishing at this time of the year for SMB somewhere near the Kratzerville area in about 1977. There were very nice adult SMB along the bases of embankments in almost every bit of cover. It was a very memorable survey for SMB abundance and size. The day before we electrofished the river in the Shamokin Dam area and it wasn’t anything special as I recall.
Lower Penns has “always” been impressive for SMB. I was on a crew electrofishing at this time of the year for SMB somewhere near the Kratzerville area in about 1977. There were very nice adult SMB along the bases of embankments in almost every bit of cover. It was a very memorable survey for SMB abundance and size. The day before we electrofished the river in the Shamokin Dam area and it wasn’t anything special as I recall.
My old personal best smb came off a bed right above the kratzerville bridge! My dad grew up fishing that stretch and he's told me some great stories about nights spent catching huge eels from the area. Have you ever done any work on middle creek around Kreamer? I got my PB from the green bridge behind the auction house. It ignored everything I threw at it until i grabbed a grasshopper off the ground and put it on a hook.
Have you ever done any work on middle creek around Kreamer? I
The farthest downstream on Middle Ck that I electrofished was the impoundment in Middleburg where we collected the largest largemouth that I saw in 42 yrs of doing lake, stream, and river warmwater fish population surveys. It was 27” long. My only other memory of outstanding fish in Middle Ck was the size and abundance of fallfish.