Paflyfish Jamboree

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That "Angelic" effect seen on mayb streams always puts me back. It is tough to capture as well as you did. Try editing the pic in photoshop using levels and moving the midtone slider to the left...Awesome.
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I will fish as much as I can. Coaching a Fall sport and having to plan for a 1 year old's b-day party will definately cut in.

Fall is the best time to fish!
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"Poll's old, we gotta change it up."
"What should we pick?"
"Who's most annoying?"
"Nah, we hashed that out... Anyone?"
(blank stares)
"I don't care, just pick, I wanna go fishing..."

If anyone says no to this question, I want a full explanation of why.

(and no, I wouldn't have a better suggestion, either)
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So there is always a poll there in that corner of the screen and it is updated on occasion? Never noticed it before.

Edit: Appears 5 have voted no and without an excuse. No joy for gfen.
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Fall is a very nice time to fish IMO.
And with the recent cool down in the weather, I'll be getting out as much as I can thru the end of next month
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Fall is a great time to fish! I have caught several of my biggest trout in the fall. Hope to hit Erie this year. I have never fished there. Years ago I was stationed in Washington State with the U.S. Army and fished for Steelheads there. I don't think this will be like that but still sounds fun!
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