

Active member
Jan 21, 2008
just heard through a source that the steelhead are already starting to make exploratory runs at night...won't be long now! people will be lined up and down Walnut Creek tomorrow at day break ;-)
seriously? if so that is pretty interesting. kind of crazy, those tribs have got to be **** warm right now.
I already started daydreaming of steelhead and now you make a post about it. Thanks a lot!
Walnut is flowing at a whopping 4.3 CFS with a temp of 80 degrees.
Definitely too early. I highly doubt any are coming in even at night. I have heard/saw some(2) reports of a few fish that never left though, they were just hanging out by cooler tribs/springs. Not talking about the wild fish that successfully hatched(although there are some of them) but adult fish.

Yeah, all the warmwater species are a blast, but I'm about ready for some chrome now.
bingsbaits wrote:
Walnut is flowing at a whopping 4.3 CFS with a temp of 80 degrees.

See, what did I tell you...Bings was down there the next morning. ;-)
Hey David. Thems carps and suckers.


Either you are messing with us, or someone is messing with you.

I think even the lake is over 70 now. Surface temperatures and in shore is about 76F right now.
Or should I start the Steelhead JAM thread? lol

(Nov 16th through 18) mark your calendars.
yes, steelhead jam thread, and lets set a date so we can all plan our fall fishing trips!
I'll try to make it this year.
ryguyfi wrote:
Or should I start the Steelhead JAM thread? lol

(Nov 16th through 18) mark your calendars.
Ry is that set in stone? After missing May's Jam I have my sights on Nov for sure. GG
ryguyfi wrote:
Or should I start the Steelhead JAM thread? lol

(Nov 16th through 18) mark your calendars.

crap, the one weekend I have something already planned. oh well.
bikerfish wrote:
ryguyfi wrote:
Or should I start the Steelhead JAM thread? lol

(Nov 16th through 18) mark your calendars.

crap, the one weekend I have something already planned. oh well.

It's not set in stone yet, but Frederick claimed the weekend before in January for the Salt JAM. So I didn't want to interfere if people wanted to attend both.

So I'll just ask...

Are there people here intending to attend both the salt and steelhead jams?
Steelhead ,just need dates. GG
I second moving the date up. of course I will probably not make it this year. My wife is due in mid November.

Its funny you posted this because I just posted on FB I am thinking about Chrome your hotels!
I'm waiting to hear back from Folly's End, then I'll post more info. Anyone else want to weigh in on attending both steelhead and salt?