Monster trucks, monster trout.



Active member
Dec 29, 2006
I've never been a self proclaimed truck type of fellow, although I have come to realize their worth with age. My work sent me to the truck show in Carlisle to operate a booth there and I never knew the shows in Carlisle were quite that big.

The "Virginia Giant" had a special monster truck there that could give spectators a little ride. Now I will admit to watching some of the "Monster Jam" series on speed channel and when they say you cant tell just how large they are unless you're in person, they are not kidding. Massive vehicles.

They also had the rock climbing buggies there which although very slow, are impressive in their own right, with the ability to get over almost everything.

For the most part I was at this stand, and for the third time in a row the dogs went with and did draw some traffic for me that otherwise wouldnt have stopped by the booth as this fellow shows by stopping to pet Chicky and give some dog talk.

Lucy here doesnt display some of the traits of the Jack Russell breed like here mother does. She doesnt listen as well, and shes not as smart as Chicky either.
But one thing she IS, is cute.

Good dog Lucy. VERY good dog.
Lucy got the canned food this night. :)

Ofcourse the little kids couldnt resist her either (and also brought their parents to the booth)and she got cuddles and lovin all day long. This little guy was especially impressive for his age and you could tell he was loved.
It made a great end to the day which ended up being pretty successful as well for me. With a few hours left, surrounded by limestone streams, there wasnt much of a decision on what I was going to do next.
I fished a stretch that I never fished before, basically going over a bridge and saying "What the heck, give it a shot".
It was like a tunnell. VERY tight quarters and I met quite a few branches while trying to sneak along while still basically in the city.

My first was a solid one at just shy of 14"es on a cricket. I caught this one almost immediately and then went through the usually snobbery these fish are famous for.

Approaching this spot I saw what I thought was watercress waving in the current. Fortunately I recognized it was a huge fish in this tiny stream before I spooked it.
After hiding behind the log on the lower left and trying many different flies, I finally got her to take a rarely used by me stonefly nymph.
The fight was savage but quick as it was so tight here He ended up basically netting himself while going berserk but straight at me.
She gave two of those leaps where you actually hear the fish while its shaking in the air.

A family happened to be nearby and took some shots for me. I remember hearing the gasps as I first revealed her to them.
Yeah, I was big man on campus for a minute. :)

I tried to stretch it to 25"es but couldnt get a read past 24 3/4es. I couldnt tell for sure if it was wild, but it was obviously in the stream for some time with the red slashes on its tail.
What a treat and unexpected as well.
I ALMOST called it quits just then.

Maybe 15 minutes later, I was back on top with the crickets and iced the cake with this 18"er that had the sporadic spotting that these wild trout are known for. By far my largest on a dry from this stream.
It was a good day for my work, my dogs, and me. With the way things have been going lately I'd like to think I earned this one, but I know thats not true.
As always, I just took what I was given.
Good dog Lucy. VERY good dog.
Lucy got the canned food this night.

Surprised Lucy did not get milk that night given those mammaries.
Congrats on an awesome Brownie!! The Letort doesn't give them up easily! I would personally say it's wild but who really knows. Either way it was in there for quite some time. It's not very common to find fish that size that isn't holding tight to the bottom of a deep hole under the cover of a log or some brush.
Looks like a good day! Those are some really nice fish.

The chicks pretty hott as well! I hope you got her number!
Who said it was the Letort? :)
Sweet Dan.

Sometimes, think to myself I would cut my pinky toe off for a big fish. hehe
Just incredible. :)

(Got stuck in the car show traffic on Saturday)
You must be livin right Dan!
scrolled without interest until pic of chick...

solid writing, solid fish, solid pics.
Awesome trout Dan!
Ummm, you have to take me there or bring that chick w/ you when you move in. She cleans every Saturday in a naughty nurse outfit w/ stockings I hope. LMAO.

Great fish and I'm thinking... Letort.
Sweet and I am slightly jealous as well...about the trout. I have those other things at home. The trout is more sporting and really a lot less hassle :-o
Nice work D!

Doesn't look like the Letort to me, not sure where you'd 'cross a bridge' here in town and get onto a stretch like that, but there are plenty of beats that I've never been on....I'm guessing either Falling Spring or maybe Cedar...
Cool havn't been to carlisle since I owned my (semi) monster truck...


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Great job .Those are some awesome fish.
Awesome catch Dan :-D .

The look on the family members' faces must have been priceless. Seeing you with that fish must have made a lasting impression on thier children.

You truly have a gift for pictures and writing.
Nice pictures. What a nice pair. The two trout were also nice.