Anybody Ever Fished A Cicada Fly?



Active member
May 17, 2009


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hehe, yeah, when they were out a few years ago it was some of the best fishing in years, truly a big thing for fishermen. I missed most of it, though. I've only got like 14 years to wait till it comes around again, lol.

Actually, I know its not that long, there are many broods, and there's periodical cicadas somewhere in PA every couple of years, it's only 17 years for a given spot.
My addiction to fly fishing was about 1 year short of the cicada's in Centre county. I heard it was nothing short of fantastic from everyone I talked to. They are supposed to be at their 17 year hatch cycle around the yellow breeches, letort, etc area next year. I plan to have a bunch of cicada's tied up to fish a small trip at that time.
I was living in Va. in the mid 60s when they had a cycle.Fished the upper Rapidan a lot.Had a section that contained rainbows that had been stocked for One of the Presidents.Blocked at that point,below to the Valley floor was a great brooky stream.Much more open than Pa. brooktrout streams.
I figured I would have a ball with Cicada imitations-.
Neither species seemed to want anything to do with them,or the real ones either.
Surprised how good some said the fishing was during the infestation.
Maybe southern trout have different
You must not have been a member here two (?) summers ago, when the entire board was raving about cicadas.
2008 was the big cicada hatch around the "big streams" of pa.
Yep, fished the beginning of the 2008 hatch. The hills around central Pa were buzzing. Thousands were floating down Penns with no rises. I and some others chucked cicadas without but a single hit. After I went home the fish started turning on to them. Quite a sight and sound though.

I think I was really getting my bearings when this happened, because I missed out on it.

Something to look forward to, I suppose.
The fish were so full they were actually lumpy. I tied two different patterns. One dry and the other wet. The wet version was deadly. The noise was truly amazing.
I think it took the trout a little while to lose their fear of the big ugly things and learn they were good food. There were high expectations that we would be fishing cicadas at the jamboree in late May of 2008, but the fish didn't cooperate. It was the begining of the emergence and the fish hadn't keyed on them yet.

I only got one magical day fishing cicadas that summer, but it was unforgetable. I used a green deerhair imitation that is designed to match the New Zealand bug, but the fish didn't care.


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Ah yes....cicadas...the best example of optimum foraging. The risks trout will take for a big payoff!
pcray1231 wrote:
hehe, yeah, when they were out a few years ago it was some of I've only got like 14 years to wait till it comes around again, lol.

Actually, I know its not that long, there are many broods, and there's periodical cicadas somewhere in PA every couple of years, it's only 17 years for a given spot.

Actually Not According to Penn State Adams, Cumberland, and Franklin Counties will have them next year. Here is the website
Yes, I used them about three years ago when the periodical cicadas came off...I still have a full box of cicada flies in my "man cave", in the cabinet over my tying bench...I hope Penn state is right, as this means my home region (Luzerne/Wyoming counties) will see another emergence in 2013, so I guess they may not be in said cabinet for the next 14 years...
I didn't a single fish on a cicada. However, I didn't fish Spring with I think the fish went nuts over them.
fadeaway263 wrote:
pcray1231 wrote:
hehe, yeah, when they were out a few years ago it was some of I've only got like 14 years to wait till it comes around again, lol.

Actually, I know its not that long, there are many broods, and there's periodical cicadas somewhere in PA every couple of years, it's only 17 years for a given spot.

Actually Not According to Penn State Adams, Cumberland, and Franklin Counties will have them next year. Here is the website

Brood XIV in 2008 was the mother load. I drove for miles on the forest roads in central Pa with the windows down to hear that amazing buzz. I'm sure that I spent a good amount of time in the area for prior hatches but never remember anything like 2008.
I just spotted an article that says some states may be getting Cicada's this year....
jdaddy wrote:
I hope to hit it next month in NC and/or TN.
PM me. GG
I just spotted an article that says some states may be getting Cicada's this year

Somewhere gets them virtually every year. Each "brood" is mapped, and no 2 broods of a given type come on the same year. So, of the 17 year cycle cicadas, there are 14 broods, which means only 3 in 17 years are they absent.

But then you have 3 broods which come every 13 years. So overall, while its possible to miss a year here and there, on average there is more than 1 brood hatching in a year, somewhere at least.

This year the Smokies and much of the south got it going on. I'm heading down, tryin to move it up to late June, I can't go any earlier than that. Anyone know when the peak of the fishing time was?

2012 will have Brood I. WV and VA mountains. Maybe even a touch of SC PA!

2013 is the I-95 corridor. Chance for them on Valley Creek?

Next main hatch here in PA, though, isn't until 2021.

And the central PA extravaganza, like the last one, in 2025. I'll be in my mid 40's. Ugh.
Don't forget about Pittsburgh in 2016 and 2019...

Cicadas on the Yough!