Tulpehocken Ck, Section 02, Lebanon Co: wild trout



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
FYI - The PFBC stocked section (township park immed west of Myerstown down to a trib below Flanagan Rd) of the Tully in Lebanon Co revealed last week that it is carrying a small population of reproducing brown and reproducing (apparently) rainbow trout, as well as few holdover stocked adults from the spring. A few fingerlings of both species were found, as well as adults. While much of the habitat is degraded, a fast moving angler concentrating on the best stretches of habitat could find enough fish to have a good trip. Sampling was done close to the lower end of the section where water temps in the summer are obviously marginal, so the abundance of wild trout upstream toward Myerstown is probably greater.
wild bows and wild browns ? interesting. if the habitat is degraded i guess they were washed downstream from the tribs in the Sandy floods, or took advantage of higher water to swim up from the lower woodier reaches a few miles downstream, or even the lake.

their mommies and daddies found somewhere else cooler to holdover and spawn once that's for sure.

wild trout always find someway to expand their range huh ?
Wow. I fish the upper Tully often, but never down at the park. I asked about it once, and was told not to bother because of the degraded habitat. I may have to up there and explore a little. Thanks Mike.
Brown trout fingerlings from last year's spawning and two redds were found today on the immediate upstream side of Myerstown. We may have still been within the Myerstown Boro limits. Again, habitat was poor for the most part, but adult trout were present in the small stretches of appropriate, less disturbed habitat. No RT reproduction was detected at this site. Visual inspection suggested that some of the better habitat was in the town itself.
Trout will find spawning areas in any stream where it is available, so when the time comes to spawn, just because there are YOY fish, doesn't mean the spawning is taking place locally, but perhaps upstream or in tribs. We know trout move around a lot, what we don't is the how and why, except to say, we knowt hey move during the spawning season.