Went Out for the First Time



Active member
Mar 22, 2012
After being on the water last week for the 1st time and not fishing .. just observing, I had the itch. Had a few free hours this AM so I headed over to Tyler State Park in Newtown to fish for the first time

-Set up my rod and tied my knots fairly well
-Loved being outdoors on the water with nature ... something abt being on the water trying to fish with the sounds and sights around me that was extremely exhilarating
-Nice gent who was fishing a lil up stream from me was nice enough to stop over and intraduce himeself on his way home ... he gave me som pointers on all I was doing wrong .. helped me out and I felt a lil more comfortable my last 1/2 hr
-Determined to get this thing and once I have a small idea what I am doing I will feel better

-No Fish, No Bites
-I felt a lil confident last week @ the Jamboree but realized I am completely lost on casting .. was going to fast and really wasn't shooting line properly ... wasn't really letting the rod shoot it

-lost 2 flies
-line was getting tangled with my rod a ton
-I just felt like I was doing everything wrong

///will be watching Cabela's Getting Started Fly Fishing this PM
Your "goods" outnumbered your "bads" or "uglys."

Practice casting on the lawn or on the water whenever you can get out and stick with it. Get in the habit of looking around and above you before you cast - this will cut down on tangles in trees. Catching fish will come along with some time.
Sounds like a good day to me.
Hey Stagger,

Welcome to jungle.....

It's an interesting sport we've gotten ourselves involved with, isn't it?

You get one part figured out, or so you think, and something else goes south. :)

Like you, I'll be hitting the practice field and thinking back over all the advice I've received, trying to re-process it and figure out what I need to fix. (Besides casting, that is!)

Hang in there, man. You'll get em.

I've been fly fishing for almost a solid year now, and let me tell you.. you just gotta take the good with the bad at this stage. We're not good enough to create our own luck just yet. The very best advice I can give you is to find that PERFECT spot where you can cast way ahead of you, but have clearance behind you. This works better for me than finding the place where the fish are most likely to be, but I simply can't get to consistently.

Also, keep this in mind: top water will be becoming more and more active. Soon enough you will know EXACTLY where the trout are and if you can cast a furry bug anywhere close to that, you have a pretty good chance of catching one.
Everyone started that way, just keep going. I learned to play baseball by playing baseball, go on the water practice your casting there, but try not to put yourself in an area that is beyond your skill level, yet. Eventually you will need to do that but for now find a stream where you can wade into the middle with few trees oroverhanging branches and cast away.

Sounds like a good day..

You're bad(s) aren't as bad as they sound, Losing flies and on;y losing two is not bad at all.

They are cheap enough until or if you ever learn to tie.

Tangles happen, I would say even the experts would agree.

and Welcome to Flyfishing. I always feel like I am doing something wrong. LOL..

Keep at it..

Stagger, H-A is going to setup another date on the LL for any newbies who want some more help. Come on out, we'll get you straightened out.
Well the good news is the GOOD parts of my experience ystrdy. The feeling I have abt this is very similar to the time I began golfing ... frustrations and all.

Also seems that a decent % of Fly fishers 'get' what us newbies are will go thru and are open to introduction and help. I hope one day to be able to pass on my knowledge :)
Thanks to Foxy; even though I haven't caught a fish yet felt much better this past weekend. From casting to landing my fly on the H2O where I wanted it to go.

So much more to learn but I thoroughly enjoyed myself this past weekend (2nd time out, ever) and just felt such a peaceful, relaxing feeling on the water.

Next step is understanding Entomology, what flies to use and what each fly is, and how to fish them
Hey Stagger, it was nice meeting you and dunking a line in the LL on Sat. This was my 4th time out, no fish but I was casting the fly to the spots where Foxy said it looked fishy. At this stage I get a buzz from deciphering the puzzle laying b4 me and casting to that spot. The day will come when the technique will allow me to put the fly in the spot where experience & knowledge have led me to believe that that is the spot. Now, if I can get the fish to read the same books, I'll be one happy dude.
Frustration is setting in.

Hit the Neshimany and I am typing this from the parking lot on Newtown-Richboro rd.

Saw some white bugs flying arnd so I used the most similiar dry I had but it was a lil larger. Casting was ok excluding sometimes when I was going to fast, calmed myself down and reloaded. Abt 50% of the time I got the fly in the area I wanted to but not the exact spot .. I am ok with that. I also didnt lose a fly for the first time.

I had no clue how to spot any fish rising or even an idea where to look and/or prospect. I looked nears some light rapids, rocks, and hanging trees. To make a long, frustrating story short; felt like I was just taking target practice for 3 hrs with my fly/casting. Obviously I caught nothing ... 0 for 3.

Enjoyed being in the stream and the rain didnt bother me at all. That said, for the first time Im a lil frustrated.
Stagger- I feel your pain. You can read and watch videos all you want, but you really find out how much(or how little) you know when you are on the stream. But we'll get there. You and I are fishing the same streams and are at the same level of frustration...

How about making it interesting? A friendly competition as to who can catch the first fly fished trout?

Picture mandatory as well as all the details.

Here's a bonus- they are stocking the Neshaminy tomorrow... :-D