


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
I've had a new incoming PM that I cannot access sitting in my inbox for a couple days now. When I try and access it, I get the "503, server busy" message.

Is anybody else having this difficulty and if so, can we hope it will be resolved soon?

If no one else is having the problem, is there something additional I'm not presently doing that I can try to get my PM, like stand on one leg or hold my mouth all the way open?


I do not know the 503 error but what I would do is pm the user and ask the to shoot it again. You know fix it the old fashioned way.
Hey I have tried this and can't reproduce the problem. If you could help with more details that would be great.
Thanks, Maurice. I may do that..

Dave: Here is the entirety of the text on the screen that comes up when I try to access my inbox:

"503 Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily busy, try again later! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!"

And that's the sum total of (possibly) useful information on this that I have.

If nobody else is having the problem, it probably originates either at the sender's end or mine. I may send myself a PM (I could use the company...:)) and see how that goes. if it works OK, I'll PM the sender and ask him to resend.

Thank you gentleman, all..

As the saying goes....."please check your PM." :)

Respond here if you didn't get the PM or can't respond to it.
Dave W
yeah I sent one too...
As did I (send one to myself..).

I now have 4 PMs that I cannot access due to whatever this "503 Service Unavailable" thingie is.

I guess this means it is something on my end. I'll do some sleuthing around to see if I can figure out whats going on.

In the meantime, if anybody has any suggestions for things to try, I'm certainly open to hearing them. I'm far from the most savvy guy about this stuff.

Sounds to me like its browser related. What browser do you use? Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox? Internet Explorer? and what version number?

First thing I would do is clear my browsing history, cache and cookies. Then re log in and see if it works. You might have a corrupt cookie in your cookiejar.


PS, you may be able to find your Paflyfish cookies if you don't want to delete them all from the internet options See if you can view them before deleting the whole load. Although I would recommend deleting them all if this sounds at all unintelligible.
I am getting the same error as RLee since about yesterday. I have a PM waiting, but cannot access it.

I hate to clear cookies because it removes my signins from other sites and I have to reset them all. I'll go through that trouble if it would solve the issue and would hate to go through it if it won't.

Lee, did you try clearing cookies and did it restore your acceess to your inbox?
JackM wrote:
I am getting the same error as RLee since about yesterday. I have a PM waiting, but cannot access it.

I hate to clear cookies because it removes my signins from other sites and I have to reset them all. I'll go through that trouble if it would solve the issue and would hate to go through it if it won't.

Lee, did you try clearing cookies and did it restore your acceess to your inbox?


I believe you can remove PAFF cookies only, on FF at least.

I use IE9, navigated to temp internet files, sorted by website and deleted everything at a paflyfish domain. I was logged out when I made the deletions, then logged back in. Same error.
Maurice has some good suggestions. The issue seems to be just with a few folks.

If you can test logging in from a different computer it my help better understand the situation too. Also changing browsers and locations may help.

Do want to help, but deleting cookies and changing you access may shed some more light on the issue.

Thank, Dave, I tried on all three of my computers with same results. Each is running IE, but different versions. Each runs on different O/S, XP, Vista, And Win7.

I have not tried an alternate browser or alternate IP location.

If I can't figure it out otherwise, alll try the deleting of all internet history and cookies, but I want to hold off on that for the reason previously mentioned.
OK, so:

I logged off the site from all three computers. Deleted everything in the history including cookies on the XP machine and the Win7 machine. I did not reboot any of them. I then logged on using only the Win7 and IE9 and I get the same error.

Should I grab Firefox and see if that make a difference?

Thanks for all the steps and details. I would install Firefox or chrome on any one one of the computers, reboot and try again. The next thing would be to try logging in from a different computer and different location.

but, I was in there deleting old PMs and when I hit delete button, it goes to the 503 service unavailable screen again. hitting the back button then returns me to the next inbox message and the delete was successful.
Yes, 503 when I hit my inbox link.

I'll try that url I posted on the Mod forum and see what's happening on that front.