2nd Annual Fish N Chips Event



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Hey guys and gals. This event went so well last year and we had such an incredible turn-out that I was asked to make it an annual event. So, let's get everyone thinking now about this year's event. It is organized by Heritage-Angler, Delta-Dog and myself. For those of you new to PAFF or who missed last year's event, this fits into our "Newbie" events calendar but all are welcome to attend. Last year Old Lefty dazzled everyone with his casting demo. I think he also gave some great pointers to anyone who wanted help.

The day starts with coffee and donuts followed by a morning of fishing concluding with our picnic lunch. We hold the event on the Little Lehigh at the Fly Shop parking area. Everyone volunteers to bring something and we just have a great time. Last year we did it in August and I see no reason to change this year. I'm thinking either Saturday, August 10th or the 17th.

More details to follow but I wanted to gauge interest to make sure we start planning early. Not sure we can top last year's event but hopefully the tricos will interest the fish this year. Last year the week before the actual event we had a dry run so to speak. We got a little rain Friday night and the water was off-color, tricos came off and the fish were hungry. The day of the event we got rain Friday night again to help the water, tricos came off again but this time the fish were really not all that hungry. Oh well, that is why they call it "fishing".

Anyway, post here if you are interested in coming and how many people will be with you. This is just to get a rough count, no one is committing at this point. About a month before the event, we'll start asking for details on what you'd like to bring for breakfast or the picnic.

More then likely I will be able to help out. I will know closer to the date, but count me in.
I'll check with the keeper of the family calendar, but I should be able to come down and help.

Have gas grill, will travel! :)
Wish i could help out. but looks like the dates you have in mind, ill be in colorado. Im down to help if the dates change.
I'm in!
We have already come up with a few conflicts for at least one of those dates plus I've been told we did it last year in July not August. Just keep an eye out for upcoming announcements about this event because in may occur earlier than 8/10.

The "Newbie Brush Up" event, date to be announced once we work out the details, is coming as well. Probably is late June but stay tuned.

I'm hoping to be able to make this event. I can bring shrimp ****tail trays like last time.
Urgggg ... Augst 10th no workie as my daughter gets back from camp that day. Weird as last year my dates jived with u guys and I didn't miss one newbie event until the Poconos in Oct and that was my own call .. this year not so much

I'm really feelin July. ;-)

I'm definitely in as long as the date works out for me!
Okay, based on some conflicts for August 10 and new plans that have come up for August 17, we are now looking at July 27 as the targeted date for Fish N Chips, The Sequel. I do believe we did it in July last year, so hopefully this date works well.

This is open to all PAFF members, family and friends. All we ask is that you bring something to share and come ready to enjoy, learn and/or help. Tricos should be on by then and weather hopefully will be okay. Mods and Dave are invited as our guests, so don't worry about bringing anything.

As we get closer, I'll start to prepare a list of who is coming and what they will bring.

We'll see if we can get one of our PAFF Experienced members to do a little program for us. Last Year Old Lefty did a great casting demo which was VERY well received by the group. So if any of our guys want to PM me to volunteer a short program to benefit our members, that would be greatly appreciated.

For anyone that attended last year, please PM me (or H-A or Dog)if you have comments on things we could do to improve the experience for everyone.

We met last year around dawn for coffee and donuts, fished the tricos and then started lunch around 11, with the program (if we have one) after lunch.

Look forward to seeing all of you,
I'm in for sure. Lets see if I can change Ed's mind........ I will be bringing my wife's beans and chocolate chip cookies. : )
This sounds like a good time. I'll put it on my calendar
delta_dog wrote:
I'm in for sure. Lets see if I can change Ed's mind........ I will be bringing my wife's beans and chocolate chip cookies. : )

Who, me? I was planning on being there all along.

Erica's famous chocolate chip cookies? Hell, I'll be waiting there before you arrive. :p
July 27th should work for me and just have to confirm with wife. If all is good I will bring either burgers or dawgs depending on everyone's taste.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. If last year is a sign of this yearly event ... good times and good fishin!
Ole' Squatchy may try to make this, to make up for missin' the big jam this year. Are there brookies in the LL? ;-)
Who, me? I was planning on being there all along. Erica's famous chocolate chip cookies? Hell, I'll be waiting there before you arrive.

Who are you kidding ......it doesn't matter if there is food involved or not ......you'll NEVER beat me to the stream. ;-)
Just checked the calendar and I look okay, so far. May have a travel conflict, getting a grand-daughter home.
Dave, it can't be a Fish N Chips event without you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I should be able to make July 27th. Was a great day last year so looking forward too it.