2014 NCPA October Caddis Summit: Oct.3-5th



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Just a few months out from this event! Time for the "official" thread/planning to take place. For those who have attended before, nothins' changed except the time of year (and better fishing!). For those who have never been, a group of us get together at my camp on Denton Hill in Potter County for a weekend of small and big stream fishing in God's Country. We cover a good bit of stream miles in the area, fishing everything from "The Pine" to small streams like Lyman Run, etc. If you've ever wanted to get to know this area of the state, this is a good jam to attend. We've covered streams not only in Potter, but also in Tioga and Clinton Counties. The scenery, especially in the Fall, just cannot be beat.

I plan on arriving that Wed. night or early Thursday morning. Camp will be available for all attendings from Thursday morning til around 11am on Sunday morning. We all bring food (this thread will discuss that, I'm sure), drink, etc. to share and everything is very open and communal. We do ask for a donation of $5 per person per night, but this is certainly not required. The money goes into the cabin's general fund to help pay for maintenance and repairs of the cabin from year to year. The cabin has plenty of sleeping space, hot running water, and electricity. So, it's rustic, but not TOO rustic.

This will be the third year we've done this. We've had a great group of guys coming out for the first two years, and have always had an amazing time together. The streams are prosperous, allowing us to split up and fish many different small streams in small groups throughout the day, and then on Saturday we all come together and fish the big Pine near the canyon for some of PA's most stunning scenery. The cabin brings us all together at the end of a long day of fishing, where we all share big meals, drinks, and lots of stories. It's a great time in a beautiful country!
Is this open to anyone?

Sounds pretty cool and I've definitely always been interested in fishing & exploring that beautiful area. I've got to save my remaining vacation days for hunting though but I might be able to arrive Friday evening and fish Saturday & Sunday. I can't say for sure that I'm in right now but I'd like to try to swing this if I can.

Fair warning: I snore like a grizzly bear but I bring ear plugs for anyone rooming with me!
The sleeping is one big large loft with a ton of beds, so we're all your "roomies".

Yes this is open to anyone, unless you're a d-bag. No d-bags allowed!
This sounds cool. My neighbor at work has a family cabin on the Gorge...He just got back from a week up there.

He wants to bring a Jet Ski...
would this be Ok?
Yeah man! Take the jet ski right up Little Kettle or Cross Fork!
Old thread deleted.

Good luck with this trip - sounds like fun. I doubt I can make it, but will watch my calendar.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
The sleeping is one big large loft with a ton of beds, so we're all your "roomies".

Yes this is open to anyone, unless you're a d-bag. No d-bags allowed!

I don't feel like a d-bag.

I tend to drink really good beer if that helps.
Do we have to ffish glass? I can come, as long as there's a place to light my pipe.
Plenty of places to light your pipe, Les. Glass not required, but recommended!
Fishidiot wrote:
Old thread deleted.

Good luck with this trip - sounds like fun. I doubt I can make it, but will watch my calendar.

I know the OP requested deletion, but for the future, could you consider just locking similar threads, with a link to the current thread, instead of outright deleting them? There wasn't a ton of planning in the old thread, but there was some info about last year's gathering that those considering it this year might have found interesting, as well as a straw poll of who may be going this year. That way information is preserved, but conversation is directed to the current place.
My bad. Hopefully that info and role call reemerges here!

Definitely IN. Wouldn't miss it. Good time had by all.
Wetfly, since you're a licenses guide, do we legally have to pay you when you show us spots!?

I'm really looking forward to this. Talked to my dad yesterday, and he's looking forward to it too. He really needs the downtime both physically and emotionally. He's excited (and he said he hopes Turkey comes....)
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Wetfly, since you're a licenses guide, do we legally have to pay you when you show us spots!?

I'm really looking forward to this. Talked to my dad yesterday, and he's looking forward to it too. He really needs the downtime both physically and emotionally. He's excited (and he said he hopes Turkey comes....)

Jerry! I like fishing with him. I already brought the trip up to my boss. She's good with it. Now I just hafta clear it with work.
Ahh I see what you did there. Funny.

Where's Skybay?
Tentatively pencil me in. I might fart in my sleep, but I'll keep it under the covers. Hopefully you don't have too many snorers?

I'm out.... Just realized that this is the first weekend of archery. I have people staying at my camp that weekend.
ahh suck. I'll try to remember that for next year.