Stevenson Reservoir/Sinnemahoning Creek - Cameron County



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
My holiday weekend consisted of a weekend in Sinnemahoning at my wife's family cabin. Saturday I took the kayak out on the Stevenson Reservoir from roughly 09:00-14:00. I covered a lot of water, but struck out fishing. From what others were saying and doing, they weren't having much luck either (spin guys). Either way, it beat working and it was a gorgeous day to be on the water. I snapped the tip to my 8wt and lost my anchor which didn't make me happy :-x



I ventured up to the top of the reservoir and saw numerous bass redds. For a second I though I may have been on the surface of the moon! I made it up as far as where the First Fork enters the reservoir, but couldn't go any further due to the low water level.


Bass redd

Sunday I fished the Sinnemhoning Creek from the town upstream for about a mile (area of the stream gauge). I found a nice deep stretch a few hundred yards upstream of Sinnemahoning and had a blast sight fishing to a pool of fish. I landed a 12" fallfish, LM bass and a catfish. I was using my 5wt since my 8wt was out-of-service and this was the first catfish I had ever caught. I really wished I had my 8wt as I almost felt 'outgunned' with my 5wt. Wow, what an experience! He pulled me like a truck and I finally ended up just beaching him. Wow, what power!


15" catfish

The hot fly for the day was an olive/brown bugger. The fish just seemed to love it dead drifted and it was my "go to" fly. Just upstream of this hole I found a rock with a bunch of rock bass piled up underneath it. I fished on them for a while and landed probably a dozen or so. They weren't large (maybe 8"), but they were fun to sight fish to and watch them run and leap.


One of many rock bass

I have really opened up my eyes to warmwater fishing and gotten past the notion that trout are the "only game in town". I have a lot of respect for WW fish and the opportunities they present. I'm also thankful for barbless hooks so I don't have to nuts around with the hook! :-D