Summer Night Mouse Fishing



New member
Feb 14, 2011
ANyone with experience that can provide any useful tips for a rookie?

Anyone have any water suggestions on where to successfully fish for big browns at night using a mouse?

My buddy and I are definitely looking to cross this pursuit off the fly fishing bucket list this summer. All insight would be greatly appreciated!
Pretty sure this is who you want to talk to.
No offense intended but asking where you can find giant browns to chase will likely get no response or very generic answers like Penn, Spring, etc., etc. I'll be very surprised if you get more than that. If you do, it will be by PM and not a public post.

I encourage you to explore on your own and talk to anglers as you make you way around. Some might share info but I'd guess most won't. I wish you luck on your quest as I'm dabbling in the same type of quest.
The Allegheny River below Kinzua Dam.

7 miles of river, good all the way to Warren.

Always good to get a look at the water in the daylight if it is new to you.
The Upper D.
Most people won't tell you a location....but I would say start at a stream with a reputation for big browns, either holdovers or wilds. There needs to be a good population of 15-20" fish.....but you will be surprised at how many smaller fish try to swipe at the mouse. I started fishing at night with a mouse one August night after a frustrating morning of Trico fishing. The hogs that were gently rising to trico's in the AM but refusing my imitation slaugherted my mouse that first night! Point are better off going to a stream you know well, then to go to someone else's recommendation.

I like to fish near bridges....the access is easy at night, and there is usually side pools or backwater that the big fish go into. Throw your fly where you don't expect the fish to be.

My biggest tip is fish on the new moon....the less light the better. Although a full moon is nice for getting around, the fish do see your profile against a bright moon. I was really alerted to this one night while fishing a full moon with cloud cover.....when the moon was behind the clouds, got all kinds of hits. When it was off, no hits.

Couple other tips.....use at least a 6 weight rod, and a bass bug taper is preferable. I have a TT Bass Bug line that I picked up years back that works good, but some nights I'll use a 7 or 8 weight. I also picked up a redington predator a few years back on of the short (~8 ft) 6 weights for big fish. Its helpful to have a shorter rod when you're fishing under a bridge.

Tippet should be leader usually consists of 30" of 30lb maxima and 20" of 15 lb maxima tippet. You will be in the trees, so you need to be able to rip the fly out. Also, make sure you have a headlight with a red light....helps night blindness. And learn to use the light only when you really need it.

For patterns, I like the Lynch's white bellied mouse, which was in fly tyer magazine 3 or 4 years back. If you search around, you can find detailed instructions. I also see that Orvis sells the fly now.

Good luck, and have fun
csoult wrote:
Pretty sure this is who you want to talk to.

Ugh.. Talk about pressure. I think you might have the wrong user id.

I'll relay two fishing stories that might help get you started.

The first is how I became converted to nightfishing for browns. I've made an annual pilgrimage to the northern tier of PA for about ten years now. The first five years, I caught mainly brookies, with the occasional brown up to 12" thrown in. In 2007, I had a large brown saunter out from under a large rock, carefully inspect my offering, and then nonchalantly saunter back to his lair. I could not entice him again, but I did think about that fish for the rest of the year. Somewhere along the line, I got the idea to try for the fish after dark, so when I went on my trip the next year, I packed a little Coleman lantern as well as my usual trusty Redington Wayfayer7 6.5' 3wt rod, some rubber crayfish, and the only larger fly I had at the time that would float high, a hopper. At about dusk, I assumed a position opposite the rock, lit my little Coleman lantern and began the waiting game. There was still enough light to see to the bottom of the area by the rock and I thought I saw a shadow move at one point. I looked closer and beyond all wildest beliefs, a large trout had come out and was just cruising in a small circle. I put on the crayfish and tossed it a number of times, but this fish wasn't interested in it. After about half an hour, I gave up and crossed the stream to the other side, to let the darkness grow a bit more. It did and my buddy I was with went to bed. I decided to try the hopper, so about 10PM, there I was with my dinky little brookie rod, tossing this little hopper in the complete dark. I don't remember how many times I cast but I remember that euphoric feeling of a solid strike, a hookset, and instant, massive resistance to my pull of the line. I flipped on the headlight immediately and somehow managed to horse in a 21" leviathan on that little rod, without breaking rod or tippet. I had to awaken my buddy from his hammock, he snapped one of only three pictures that got taken that trip, because the batteries died in my camera after he took the shot.

1) It's extremely helpful to locate big fish in the daytime. Some streams have a lot of water to cover but if you know that you are in the vicinity of a larger fish, you greatly improve your chances of catching it. Plus it gives you hope of actually catching something.
2) Big fish feed predominantly at night. And while I'm sure they would gladly target larger prey, something as small as size 10 hopper can draw their interest.
3) An 6-8wt rod is probably a bit more appropriate than a brookie rod :) Forget about light tippets. You have no reason to hide your tippet at night. I fished with 12# monofilament last year but probably won't go much bigger because I am concerned about getting a tight enough knot with a larger diameter line.

The next year, I came back with an 8wt 9' rod, and I also unearthed the only big deer hair bug that I had tied, a deer hair mouse that I tied up while taking one of Ed Kraft's fly tying classes. That would be my goto fly for the next three years or so. I managed to retrieve it somehow from numerous snags and trees and bushes that I hooked up with at night, but decided somewhere along the line that I better have some backup flies for when the inevitable day would come. Last year, the deer hair mouse went to be with the Great Tree in the Sky and I had been experimenting with Polk's Dirty Rat, Lynch's White bellied Mouse, and Mighty Mouse patterns. However, I stumbled on an article online about a pattern called the Blair Mouse Project, that an angler had used successfully on a lake in New Zealand. And fortune smiled upon me, as one of my sources for cheap flies, Sierra Trading Post, started unloading them about a year ago.

I like this pattern for a number of reasons - it floats fairly well, composed of deer hair and foam, it has realistic leg and tail action with the rubber legs hanging out the back, and it gurgles and pops. If you're familiar with the Gurgler fly, it incorporate a lot of the elements of the foam piece of that fly into its designed. You want a fly that will push water and draw attention to itself.

I vary fishing technique a bit. Sometimes, I cast and wait a bit; then I strip the fly a number of times, sometimes just once, then three times, then twice, then wait, etc. Other times, I do a fast retrieve, hopefully to attract attention to the fact that something food like has entered the water. As an interesting aside, I was out one night spotlighting a stream, looking for fish, and a large rodent (small rat size) came swimming up the stream. Talk about realistic action and pushing the water. I would have loved to seen a brown smack that rodentia while we were watching but didn't even have the presence of mind to record the thing, even though I had my phone with me.

Outing number two that I will describe was not successful, in the sense that I caught no fish and didn't even have a strike. But the important lesson again is to find the big fish. This past Saturday, I was fishing a small freestone stream, that has wild browns. The biggest fish I've caught (before Saturday) was about 13". However, small browns have to come from big browns getting together somewhere, so in the back of my mind, I'm always waiting to find a larger fish. There is a bit of slack water at one spot, with some nice undercut roots and downed trees in the water and I usually cast there mostly out of obligation, because I've never caught anything there, nor seen anything other than massive quantity of baitfish. On the second cast, really just getting warmed up mentally to fish, I snapped to attention pretty quickly when at least an 18" brown showed up three feet from the end of my rod. I snagged on a rock, he stopped, looked warily, I wiggled loose, he started up, I snagged again, and then with me flailing around trying to get loose again, he turned tail and slunk away. I cast again, hoping to entice a strike, but did not see him. I was actually planning to goto another stream about twenty minutes away to finish out my night by night fishing for browns, but my plans changed pretty quickly after that encounter, because I had met the first criteria for where to fish - find the large fish. So after doing the small stream thing, I walked back to the car, got my big streamer rod and then walked back to a spot a little upstream from where I had the brown encounter. I was using a mouse and started casting downstream, basically trying to draw the fish out from wherever it was holding. A big obligatory caution is in order for nightfishing, as the area I was fishing in was on a very steep bank, that continued right into the stream. Someplaces, it was only three feet deep (but deep enough to go over my hip waders, as I found out earlier that evening, when I crossed to try a new approach on the brown). But other places, it was clearly much deeper. And where the bank wasn't as steep, it was mud and muck, the kind where cartoon characters spin their feet and are able to run in place on; also the same kind that in real life can cause you to loose your footing and put you in some deep drink quickly, with extreme difficultly in getting out because you're trying to climb out on the same mud that just threw you in.

Anyway, all of my casting elicited no strikes. Eventually I threw on the torch I was carrying and illuminated the water column. I was fully expecting to see a number of larger fish but I did not see a single thing except baitfish. There was about a hundred yards of deeper water from where I started, so its entirely possible that after my initial encounter with the fish, he decided to cruise on downstream.

1) Locate big fish.
2) I am on a hunt to try and catch a brown on a mouse each month of the year. But a mouse may not be the best fly to use. Going subsurface with a large streamer may have been a much better choice.
3) Don't rule any stream out. If there are little fish there, there has to be a source of those little fish somewhere.

A few other thoughts - it seems that some folks favor the new moon and I saw one post in this thread suggesting that already. I've caught fish during all moon phases, from bright full moon nights, where I could see the strikes ten feet in front of me, to cold starlit new moon nights where I was fishing by sound and feeling only. Additional wisdom will suggest that lights will spook browns. I wouldn't suggest it as a means to attract browns, but last year, I had two nights with multiple fish caught. One evening, I caught three fish, including one that went spastic when I threw the light on him after catching my first fish. He stopped right in front of me, I killed the light and two minutes later, I hooked him. So, I'm not suggesting going in with headlamp blazing, but I operated for a long time under the assumption that once I turned my light on (i.e. when I caught my first fish), the fishing was done. I fish a lot longer and stay up later knowing that may not be the case.

I like streams that have decent sized pools; these are beneficial for a number of reasons. They have the space to hold larger trout, they often have some slack water that you can cast to announcing that food is present, and you often get a better chance to cast without fouling your line on the backcast or forward cast. It takes a bit of getting used to casting in the dark, but its a knack you pick up and I hook grass, trees, bushes or weeds far less often than I think I should.

I suggest reading Jim Bashline's book, Night Fishing for Trout: The Final Frontier. There is also a book by Lawrence Koller called Taking Larger Trout, that has a chapter about nightfishing.

One final word - nightfishing is not something you cross off your list. You may cross off certain things, but nightfishing stays on the list :)
Thanks very much for that, I may have found a new pastime. I primarily fish for smalllmouth at night, and may have found a new offering for them in the Blair Mouse. I will also definitely give this a try for big browns. I actually love fishing at night, so much going on that you don't get to witness in the daylight.
I'm a big fan of nighttime fishing for browns whether it be mouse patterns or streamers. I agree with all that has been said above. First and foremost, BE SAFE. You need to KNOW the water you are fishing at night. You need to know the features of the section you will be fishing at night....all of them (what the stream bottom features are and what the features are along the creek). You need to have casted the area previously that you plan to cast blind in the dark, or you are going to be casting into trees and everything else. You need to know where deep holes are that you are going to step into up to your neck and you need to know where boulders are that you are going to trip over when excitedly landing a fish. And, fish with a buddy at night. Stay close enough to each other that you can hear each other at all times.

As for the fishing, remember one key thing: The brown trout are now out hunting. You will find them at night in most of the places you will never find them during the day. They hunt at night because it is safe for them to do so. They have less worries about predation from above, so they move away from structure and they hunt. Remember that, because if you don't, you are going to step into a shallow run in the creek and right on top of that trophy brown you were hoping to catch.

Have fun and BE SAFE!
This interests me...alot. gonna give it a try. Salmanoid and otgers, thank you for the info.
What part of the state are you located? I'd be happy to make a few recommendations for places to hit up if you want to do the nighttime trophy trout thing.
The lower "D" in bucks, some monsters there.......
sandfly wrote:
The lower "D" in bucks, some monsters there.......

Loose lips sink ships.... Sandfly!! He is asking about brown trout not walleye.
Night fishing is primarily warm weather fishing so the big browns move out to feed when the water temp is closest to their preferred temp,not for safety reasons-they will feed during the middle of the day in winter time.
So think temperature-find places where there are springs or small cooler streams emptying into the river.
Don't buy into the darker the night the better.I was an avid nite fisherman for 30 years in Montana during the warm months.Loved those full moon nights.They were just as productive as dark nights and a lot more fun to be out in.
No more dangerous then day fishing except thats when the skunks usually are
Here in Pa, what time of year do you start fishing nice at night for big trout? Is the water warm enough yet?
I'd say the LJ, Spring Creek, Fishing Creek, Delaware Pine Creek, Cedar Run. Fish along the banks. You could probably add the youth to that list.
But I'll add know the stream section you are fishing or you could go in over your head and that's not worth a fish.
Hope this isn't too off topic but what water temp is ideal for feeding browns?
I'd say from 58 to 65, above they will still hit, but I'd definitely wait until after dark when the temps start to drop, or get up before sunrise.
At our camp the guys fish for the big browns as soon as they get up, and wait to go out until the sun is well below the mountain.
I watched a lunker wild brown break my buddy off fishing a rapala in a potter co beaver pond yesterday. My guess is it's not the only one there... Going back with the 8 wt and mouse later thus summer
henrydavid wrote:
Hope this isn't too off topic but what water temp is ideal for feeding browns?

This is tough to answer. A fish the size that you are likely targeting (18"+) has to eat year round obviously and it has to eat a lot more than tiny bug morsels most of the time. I think that fish will move for a larger offering most of the time, with exceptions being really cold water or really warm water. That being said, my first night brown came in early August in low warmer water conditions on a freestoner. I picked up a brown in December with a fair amount of snow on the ground, but it was from a spring creek, with water temps in the low 40s and a nasty cold wind blowing and precipitation starting to fall. I had some strikes in January and February too, but never managed to hook up the few times I was out this year.

I think for sure now, moving into summer and then fall are the ideal times to fish, and those times would coincide with what a few others have described as ideal temperatures. But I wouldn't write off any month of the year, although you'll probably have better luck subsurface during the colder months. That's one of the reasons that trying to take a fish on a mouse every month of the year is such an enjoyable challenge.