Stowe Vermont



May 4, 2012
Can anybody recommend a good fly fishing guide for Vermont. I will be staying in Stowe Vermont this summer for a week. I have already looked into the fly rod shop and I think I would like to keep looking. Thanks!
I thought you were a guide!!..:)lol - j/k..

I've never been, but I hear it is real nice. Enjoy.
I know a great guide up there. His name is MAP. Look him up. Lol
Yeah, if you are a guide, why would you need to hire a guide up there. I could see if you were going out west and wanted to fish from a drift boat. I think it would be just as much fun to just explore the area up there without a guide.
In fairness to Nick, I know plenty of guides that go out with other guides when they hit new waters in different states. Most of those guides have made tons of connections over the years where, they are basically just fishing with a friend. Nick has not been in the business that long. Let's try to not hijack his thread for info on Vermont.
I can do fine without a guide in Vermont but if you must know why I need a guide well here goes. I might potentially do a drift boat trip... yes they have drift boats in Vermont. These are not unique only to Montana. I will also be with an older gentleman who does not fly fish regularly. I really don't feel like playing guide for him for the 1-2 days that I will be able to fish while I am there. I just thought hiring a guide would be a nice way to show my appreciation to him for inviting my wife, daughter and I to stay in his timeshare for the week. I really don't want to spend my only day or two to fish exploring and playing guide.

I did some exploring up there last year and I found that when your time is limited, hiring a guide is worth it. I spent quite a bit of time exploring but didn't really hit the jack pot until the last day that I was there. Water was low every where I tried to fish, it was right after a major hurricane, I think it was Irene so streams were scoured and it was unusually warm for that time of the year. Hiring a guide cuts out the guess work and makes for a fun time... open up your wallets a little bit and let the cobwebs out man.

Here is a brown I caught on the Lamoille River last year... I worked hard for this fish.
Hey Nick,

I've fished up there a few times when i was up there on business in Stowe.

i don't know any guides, but i fished a few times on the winooski from winooski street in Waterbury Center down on river road - watch where a stream crosses the road near where the railroad track almost meet the road.

a great spot in low flows, in higher flows the stream itself holds a mix of wild and holdover fish from the main flow.

similarly the little river which runs out of the waterbury reservoir down to the winooski can be quite good in decent flows.

in all flows, the west branch of the little river right in town at the park can be great first and last light - before the walkers, dogs and latte carrying joggers show up.

if you have a bike you can bike upstream at least a mile away from the crowds. if you're fit the bike trail goes 2-3 miles along the stream then becomes ranch brook on ranch brook rd ( according to the maps) which comes down the side of Mt Mansfield.

if you want to fish in montpelier itself - which along with waterbury is a much cheaper, friendlier place to stay than Stowe itself - there's a couple of spots below the weirs near the graveyard that provide oxygenated water for the bows all season long.

these guys are not too nearby in Middlebury (about 45 miles away) but i've been watching their river and hatch reports for 4-5 years and found them accurate on both counts.

myself, i only ever had 3 hours max to fish (before and after work, between meetings) and i found i did just fine with a #18 copper john off a caddis or stonefly dry - 12/14 ...

i hope that helps, a ton of fishing up there ;-)

Well, that is a good explanation as to why you want a guide. I totally understand. As for me, just because I won't hire a guide doesn't make me cheap. I am cheap, but that's besides the point. I think I can fish just as well as 25% of the guides out there. Sure, guides that fish the same water for years know many things a first timer on the stream wouldn't know, but I like the challenge of learning the stream myself. So, I doubt I will ever hire a guide, especially on the east coast. I'd rather spend that amount of money on another fishing trip. To each is own.
Troy wrote:
Sure, guides that fish the same water for years know many things a first timer on the stream wouldn't know, but I like the challenge of learning the stream myself. So, I doubt I will ever hire a guide, especially on the east coast. I'd rather spend that amount of money on another fishing trip. To each is own.

guides are just that... experienced on that set of water... know where the bigger pods are or at least have an idea as to where they were the day before. This is specially true in the PNW.

Most also have a tad more boating experience than the average fly fisherman.

They are there to help you relax... if you don't feel like banking, they'll net. If you have never casted, they'll instruct. If you are floating, they will do whatever (backtroll, anchor, redrift a section) it takes to keep you in the zone.

Most guides don't even tie unless they are self-employed or a small venture.

2 of my best friends from pa, both in AK for the summer runs, have totally different days.

1 is on the water 6 days a week, maintains his own jet, cleans fish for clients, helps cook and clean-up, and is responsible for his part of the cabin (laundry, cleaning). He also helps tie flies/beads/leaders. He also helps maintain the lodge area, such as mowing grass.

the other is a time-share company that is not relegated to just fly fishing. Companies from all around the US send their employees there for R & R. There will be days and even weeks where no fishing is done.

Some visit to read on the porch, take boat rides, shoot clay pigeons, bear sight, hike, spin fish, fly fish.

This lodge provides ALL equipment from waders to flies. a maid does the cleaning and full-time cook does the cooking. Fish are never cleaned by the guides.

A lot of disinfo out there about the PNW and what guiding entails.

I fully understand, since you're a guide, that time on the water w. and older gent wants to be a relaxed fit for you, rather than feeling like a day at work.

BTW, out of all the guides I am friends w., not one says that the fishing has lost appeal. When they return in October at the closure of the season, after sleeping for a few days, they are already planning their first steelhead trip to the GL region.

what's funny about the whole situation is the guide that works at the timeshare lodge makes 8k more than the diehard-fish everyday guide.
Nick, I was joking with you. Whatever works.

Becker, I like the "MAP" comment. You are always on your game my friend...

Nick, Here is a link to a good guide in Vermont. Bob should be able to hook you up with a float and beyond...
TDB, I knew you were joking, as I was. Troy wasn't lol
Nope, I wasn't joking, but I wasn't trying to be a jerk either. I offered my opinion and that is that.
Guys I know your joking, lol. I consider you guys my friends. Tdb, the guide you referred owns the fly rod shop... I think I may bypass them.
Becker is always on his game. Stevehalupka your hitting the nail on the head in so many ways.
Not sure why you are blowing off the fly rod shop guides. For what it is worth. We have used them three times on the Salmon river in Pulaski and are pretty happy with them. I especially like Josh, he could go between me (an old fart with bad knees) and my friends (who can still run 5 miles at a clip) and keep us all on fish.
All I can contribute to this thread is that you are 20 minutes from Waterbury, VT which has The Alchemist Brewery which makes Heady Topper, the #1 rate beer in the US. Please let me know when you are going and I will reward you handsomely to mule cases back.
Jdaddy will do but you gotta take me fishing in berks dude... deal?
Magic Hat and Long Trail are there too as well as Ben and Jerrys.
I can't believe you equated Magic Hat and Long trail to Heady Topper. Jdaddy will murder you.