Ridiculous / funny fishing stories......



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
What's yours? Here's mine......

Fishing Friday in the rain on the Delaware. We had 3 guys that piled into a buddy's boat and set out to get soaked. A handful of fish were feeding on olives so we stopped to take a shot at them. The guy in the back of the boat took a shot at the one fish. As the fly landed, I said "that's it....right in his pie hole". The fish took and all 3 of us cheered. As the guy in the rowers seat lifted the net, I saw a splash beside the boat. I said "What just got knocked into the water?" As the rower looked around, he said "Looks like everything's here". The guy in the back says "Ummmm" and points at the rod. The reel was gone. LOL. I see the reel laying on the bottom of the river and started the retrieval process. He's in the back of the boat stripping line, I'm in the front reeling. He reached over, I put the reel back on and tightened the seat. He ended up landing the fish. I found out afterward that the guy in the rowers seat was filming the entire shiit show. LOL. I need to get a copy of the video. Fish landed pictured below.



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Peeing off the bow of the boat while making the turn in the river to a yachtful of pretty girls.

Throwing an anchor overboard without tying the rope on.

Having a guy lose his wallet going after a fish, never seen again. Ten minutes later found, folded over an outrigger line off the back of the boat.

Probably the best, by far, was my grandfather's friend. He showed up at the fish show in Harrisburg drunk. Fell into a stand of lures and everyone spent close to an hour picking lures out of his sweater. After that, he, of all people, got chosen out of the audience by the bass guy to come up to the fish tank for the casting demo, to which he fell in the fish tank. Everyone is laughing (except the pro) because they thought it was part of the show. For the rest of the day he walked around the show with that wet shoe sound...
Good thing they removed the lures first.;-)
My funniest memory is hearing Alby making splash sound while wading the Yough with me. When I turned toward the splash, all I saw was his rod tip and his hat.


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Throwing an anchor overboard without tying the rope on.

Haha. As a teen, I finally got permission to take the old man's boat out on my own. Launched it, got to mid lake, and realized I was slowly sinking. I forgot to put the plug in. So of course, I got the plug, jumped overboard with it, swam to the back of the boat and put it in. Phew! But, uh, I forgot to put the ladder up first, so I couldn't get back into the boat....
A friend of mine and I used to go carp fishing on the Susky along the runway at HIA. We'd anchor the boat and fish corn on the bottom, while sitting in lawn chairs and drinking beer.

One time he was not paying attention and a big carp pulled his rod in the river. I told him to go in after it but he wouldn't; so I went in, felt around for the line and eventually recovered the rod sans carp.

Some time later the same thing happens, but after seeing me go in (and a few more beers) he decides to go for it. He looked like a high hurdler going over the side. He found the rod, handed the rod to me, got back in the boat, took the rod back, fought the carp and landed it.

After things settled down he noticed a problem. His wedding ring was gone. He had been married for two weeks!
post #1 really isn't that funny once you realize the age of them.

One time while surf casting with a friend, I thought it would be funny to yank on his fishing line and make him think he's got one heck of a fish. Sure enough he came a running. It just so happened that while I was doing this, my rod about 30 feet away starting bending over wildly. as I ran to get it, it stopped. Talking about instant karma!
post #1 really isn't that funny once you realize the age of them.

Not sure what this means. The age of the fish, age of the bugs or the age of the anglers? Sorry to see that you don't have a sense of humor..
My buddy Brian was fighting a Chinook salmon on a 9 weight rod in Michigan on a relatively small stream and his reel fell off the rod (like Andy's first post). He fought the salmon by hand while I got the reel reattached. We did land the fish.
I'll come up with a Jack story too if you give me some time to think...
my first salmon on the fly ? - I'm fishing the River Bandon in county Cork, Ireland.

It was a very still, hot summer day, and the water was low. after 4-5 hours of slogging away under cloudless skies, the irish ghillie drives me around the big field to a spot where the riffle hits a tree on the inside of a bend.

fish that through says he and shuffles off back to the car.

20 minutes later, an almighty take under the tree and a Salmon is on ! - I yell for the Ghillie and No answer...

so I keep yelling, with no net I have this big salmon on and I'm bloody screaming at him.

no answer.

so I play the fish out and drag it in to a back eddy.

I yell again, no frickin answer.

so I step by step walk back, letting line out as I go still clocking the fish - my first would be Salmon on the fly.

as I approach the car I see a pair of feet on the dashboard, and I yell out again- and slowly the feet move - the bastard had drunk some whiskey and fallen asleep.

the look on his face when he sees me standing next to car with the rod bent double was priceless. "get the f@cking net " I screamed.

he jumped out the car, grabbed the net and ran down the bank screaming "sorry sorr, sorry sorr, sorry sorr".....

11.5lb that Atlantic was. he's lucky he still got a tip.



Mine is very similar to Jacks...I built my dad a rod for his 50th and he came to visit me at school for the weekend near Pittsburgh.

Well first we went to meadow run and caught plenty of fish so we decided we would give the yough a go.....I was swinging a streamer and all I heard was splashing and some bubbling noise and I turned around to my dad trying to keep that rod out of the water and him up to his neck jumping up and down...

Needless to say he doesn't like the yough very much...the depiction jack drew looks very familiar :)
Sometime back in the mid 80's or so, my brother and were floating a local stream for smallmouth with UL spin gear. The creek was too high, but we were young, invulnerable and full of P&V and didn't that that much of it. We rounded a bend in the stream and suddenly found ourselves pinned full length of the canoe to a semi-submerged log. The canoe tipped most of the way over and everything inside began to float. Luckily, we were only in about 2 feet of water and were able to grab all the gear and hump it over to the bank before anything of any real value was lost.


Back in those days, we were mounting the canoe on our vehicles with a set of 4 of those notched foam blocks. These were all lying in the bottom of the canoe when we became pinned. We managed to find 3 of them within the first 100 feet below the canoe, but the 4th was nowhere to be seen. So, I kept walking down the creek looking for it. Down around the second bend from the scene, a good tenth of a mile, was yet another large sweeper and I saw the foam block resting against the log. It appeared to be directly in front of what looked like a large, brown and furry beach ball. As I got closer, it became clear that the block was wedged into the snout of a very large, very bloated and very dead beaver. I walked the log out to the block, all the time worrying that if I jiggled things too much, an errant branch would spring loose and puncture the beaver which would explode and, well, there I'd be, fully drenched in decomposition gas-powered beaver goo. Very carefully, I took a long stick and poked the block, which came free and floated a bit further down the log before coming to rest again. I was then able to lean over and pluck it out of the flow and take it back up the creek.

A couple days later, we went to the local sporting goods store and bought a proper carrier rack for the canoe.....
Back in the 80's shore winter fishing at the Peach Bottom warm water outflow, I caught a good sized muskie. Temperature 28°-29°.

Wanted to get a picture but didn't want to hurt the fish.

Great picture that I no longer have.

There was quite a bit of blood, but the jig hook set was clean. Sent him back on his way.

Washed the blood off my hands and realized it was me that was bleeding.
barrybarry wrote
realized it was me that was bleeding

Had a similar experience field dressing my first deer when I was 13...
Many years ago my buddies and I were doing a drunken river float in canoes and fishing spinning gear for smallies. We stopped for a break and were stretching/wading/fishing. One guy was exceptionally drunk and somehow got a Rapala stuck in his shorts. I tried to help him get it out, telling him to stand still. Only problem is he has Turrets and starting twitching around pretty good. I got the lure out of his shorts and firmly into the palm of my hand. Still have a weird little scar in the palm of my hand from that one.
I wasn't fishing, but it is fishing related. I was at the beach with my wife, cousin, and his wife. Virginia Beach to be exact. Military section (my cousin was active military at the time and had just returned from deployment). Body surfing. Somehow got a hook in me. Through the shorts, into my leg, back out of my leg, and back into the shorts. We'll call it "upper inner thigh". Bout an inch from REAL disaster if you catch my drift.

Didn't hurt as long as I just stood there. But walking, sitting down, etc. would make my shorts pull the hook. So all I could do was just stand there. I didn't even know what it was, as I couldn't bend down to see it.

So up comes the wife, who has to look under the shorts to better judge the situation. Since it's kind of a private area she's looking in, the cousin and his wife make a towel curtain around us. There's me standing straight up on the beach with my wife kneeling in front of me, top of her head just visible above the towels. Wonderful picture, lol.

So, ok, we need some help. Wife fetches the lifeguard. No dice. I'm not in immediate danger and they can't do anything. So we recruit another beachgoer and ask if they could go find some help, wire cutters would be nice.

Next thing I know, there's a fire truck and ambulance pulling up behind the dune, sirens blaring, at a high rate of speed. A team of EMT's rushes down and says they have reports of someone with a hook in them who's bleeding profusely. Ok, so the beachgoer overstated the situation a bit, lol. I do have a hook. There's a touch of blood....

They carry me up to the dune, lay me down, cut off my dang shorts, and cut the hook and pull it out. By now a semi-circle of curious onlookers were gathering to see what was goin on. Yeah, this isn't embarrassing or anything.

So they cut the hook, pull it out, give me a towel to wrap myself up in. My biggest fear was that this was gonna turn out to be one of my own fly tying hooks that somehow got into my swimming shorts. But thankfully, no. Hook was obviously a surf fishing hook from someone else, I musta picked it up body surfing.
one today-up in Michigan,fishing pond hundred feet from house-loaded with smallmouth-using the other tackle-fishing from small kayak-3rd time out this year-been slow so far-weather and water still lower than ideal- hooked into fish with serious weight--pulled me all around pond--using four pound test so took over five minutes-kept boring towards bottom-really fun battle but experience made me suspect it wasn't bass of a lifetime--turned out to be catfish that took artificial -right around 11 or 12 pounds-couple more than any trout I had ever caught in 70 years of trying-
Was I happy that the fishing gods had favored me --no, I was Po'ed that it was a lousy stinking trash fish.Then I thought how silly that was since I release every thing anyway.
I guess we all have our "ism's".. interesting unhooking the monster in a small kayak..it should have nailed me for my bias..I would have deserved it...
pcray -

You're lucky. You were a few hours and an infection away from procuring a new fly pattern: the "gangrene weenie."