New Years Day success



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
Put me on the board for 2019!

I originally had plans to fish in Lancaster county with Salmonoid but stream conditions were poor on that side of the susky so I headed west to York county in search of better water.

I decided to try the headwaters of an ATW that I hadn’t fished in 2 years. I was a little worried about the massive flooding the area recieved and how it might have affected the wild trout and stream habitat.

I am pleased to say that things are looking better now than before the flood with old holes retained and several new holes created.

The water was fantastic and the fishing was even better. Enjoy the pictures!

Green water and fast


First trout of the new year








How did that sneak in?


More great water


And one more great wild brown trout


Fly of choice #6 black crystal flash wooly bugger all beat up


Good to see somebody got out. I chickened out because of the wind. (I've been a bit to close to trees being blown over in the past, and with the wet ground I decided discretion was the better part ...)

Even better to see that you caught something.
For sure
I haven't fished since October.
And really nice to see some nice looking water - and some one out enjoying it!
Good to see somebody got out. I chickened out because of the wind. (I've been a bit to close to trees being blown over in the past, and with the wet ground I decided discretion was the better part ...)

Geez .... No where near that kind of wind where I was. A few gust here and there but no problem when you’re slinging lead.
Nice. I got out today and caught a few Brookies. Nothing spectacular and the fishing was actually kinda slow for the relatively good (for Winter anyway) conditions. Mainly I think because the stream I picked was new to me and after a mile or so hike in, it turned out to be pretty choked with young forest growth. It was already noon and I was kinda pot committed at that point so I stuck it out and fished the spots I could. It also turned out to be one of those “constant velocity” streams...At a certain medium-ish gradient small streams seem to not make much habitat. They don’t slow down enough to make bends and corner holes, yet they’re not steep enough to make any plunges either.

Was nice to be out and catch my first fish of 2019 though. It’s become a bit of a tradition for me to get out on NYD. Wind didn’t bother me much either, though I was tucked behind a pretty good sized ridge.
Well done.

It was a nice day to be outside. I spent it stomping around Big Spring (a New Year's day tradition) - mostly looking rather than fishing.
Nice!! That looks like just about the perfect water level for a stream like that.

I got out as well today in the Gunpowder drainage. Caught a couple browns, all under 9" but still had a great time.
Awesome photos! I agree that the water level looks darn near perfect. The coloration on those rainbows looks great. And those wild browns are beauties. Great start to your new year!
Nice!! That looks like just about the perfect water level for a stream like that.

They were perfect.... the stream fishes extremely well under the right conditions. Given my catch rate you might think that this was a Class A stream, even 3 different year classes present, but the place turns into a ghost town in the summer months. They have it rough for sure in a marginal stream but still find a way to not only survive but flourish.
The coloration on those rainbows looks great.

The last stocking was in the beginning of may so they are true survivors. I caught 3 total rainbows and all were beautifully colored and had perfect fins.
Could be that the RT were from the preseason as well since there was a shortage of RT going into the 2018 stocking period. SE stockings from Huntsdale on a number of waters were either all Browns or close to it. And with the good flows and perhaps cooler water temps for much of the summer anglers may find many more holdovers and RT this winter before freeze-up sets in. In my view this is a golden opportunity to get out there and abandon the vice while the relatively warm weather and good flows last.
Great fish and pics! Fishing Jan 1 has been a tradition of my dad and I for over 25 years. Never missed in that time period. But we always trout fish at least 1 or more times per week, 52 weeks a year. Seems to be a lot of folks that do the Jan 1 thing though.

Water was perfect in my area also. We fished a small wild trout stream with wild brooks and bows. Did pretty well, got 6 each.

Of interest, was a nice 11 in wild bow, that, once landed, spit out 2 red backed salamanders about 2 inches each. I thought that was pretty cool. And it still wanted to eat my half crawler lol
