Interesting Holding Ground



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
So i was fishing again this morning and noticed something kind of strange. There was a school of fish, about 10 or so over in the shallows of the stream around this big boulder. They were not at their usual holding spot in the past few days. They almost seemed like they were all on top of each other mating at times. A snapped a bunch of pics and captured some videos for you all to enjoy and discuss the matter. And let me just say, i could barely feel my arms after this was all said and done, but i think it was worth it.


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I say they're CARP!!!!!!!! :-D :lol: Just Kidding

Nice Pics!
if they were fresh stockies, that would explain it. I've seen them pod up like that a lot when freshly stocked. All they know is close corders with a bunch of other fish. They get put in a stream and try to repeat what they know.
No doubt about it thats what it looks like have seen it many times with stockies, other then that spawning thats what it looked about like in Penns in spots
Let me guess, Pickering or French?
They're plastic stockies. They do stuff like that.

I think they're also easier to see, which probably leads to a safety in numbers type thing.
Was there alot of ice this AM on French/Pickering creek? I drove over French this AM going into work and saw some. I was thinking of taking the day off tomorrow but did not want to waste it if it was frozen over.

I had a tough time last Sat AM with ice floating down.
Well i wasnt specifically talkign about them podding up like that. I know thats how they are. But more specifically the point that for 3 days now theyve been holding in this deep pool/run and today theyve ventured all the way to the otherside of the stream to be in barely a foot of water. The only thing i can think is because of the sun beating there.
Again, it's hard to apply logic to what they do. I'd say you're probably on to something with the sun theory.
Thegabber, any slightly moving water was open, but completely still pools like under bridges for example were completely iced, i think youll be fine tomorrow, atleast after 12, seeing the temps will be getting up there too.
Mute - - drop a thermometer in that spot. Could be a spring seep, with some warmer water. Or as others suggested - - they are stockies, which are raised in a completely unnatural setting, and are now all out of sorts.
My guess would be fresh stockies are used to being in close proximity to other fish, so it's comforting in there new environment.


The rock was warming up from the sun and the heat was radiating off of it.

More than likely it's the fresh stockie thing. I have seen fresh stockies in groups of 50 or more that are in backwash pools that are exceding 70 degrees, but they are "comfortable" because they are all there. I have caught them one right after another until I got bored. Matter of fact, I started tossing the ones I caught into the nearby riffle to space them out and give them a shot at living.
Could be sun, could be a spring there. Whatever it is, they like it there.

Fresh stockies often sulk for a few days in the deepest water. Then they'll begin to explore. These ones finally began to explore their water and found somewhere they like.
If the turn darker it's to absorb heat. Sunny side of the creek will hold fish better than the shaded side. Caught a grouper the other day, water temp was 57, fish was black with a few discernable marks that were even darker, and he was cold to the touch, but still active.Bit around noon in full sunlight hence warmer.
I think you have toughed on it, because the sun was on the water there the food was probably more active, thus the trout were there to get a meal. I dought, though I cannot be certain that the sun would be warm enough to warm the fish.
I think chaz may be on to something. The sun may not have warmed them up but they were probably looking for food in the sun. They didnt seem to mind you much. Did you catch any of them and ask them what they were doing? ;-)
They would get too spooky after id come up and get close to the water. What i really wanted to do was to tie on a fly or streamer of some sort and twitch it by them to get their reactions and such on video, but i can only do so much with 2 hands.
Perhaps it was a group hug???

Nice pics though. Did you have a polarized filter on?
Chaz wrote:
I think you have toughed on it, because the sun was on the water there the food was probably more active, thus the trout were there to get a meal. I dought, though I cannot be certain that the sun would be warm enough to warm the fish.

Stone_Fly PMed me and said it was probably the sun!!
wgmiller, underwanter shot.