Half Serious



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Does anybody in Southeast Pa intend to fish today?
Let me just get my auger...
Over 2ft of snow, blizzard-like conditions, temps hovering barely in the 20s, National Guard rescuing stranded cars off the turnpike and other roadways. Yup, I'm deff going fishing today.
Anyone going out to attempt to fish today is just trying to prove they are a wild and crazy guy!

Police, fire, EMTs and all first responders hate these types, and often have to risk they're lives or at the very least bust their a$$es to save them. :roll:


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If I could safely get to a stream, and find a place to park, I definitely would. Being out during a falling snow is one of the most peaceful, quiet, and beautiful times to fish. Seeing as the first two conditions are not met, nope.
The high winds would make ffishing and Tenkara problematic today.
Even the snow shoes were tough going when we tried to walk down to the Jordan today.
The weeds are so high its tough fishing here.
salmonoid wrote:
If I could safely get to a stream, and find a place to park, I definitely would. Being out during a falling snow is one of the most peaceful, quiet, and beautiful times to fish. Seeing as the first two conditions are not met, nope.

Know what ya mean about the peaceful quiet of a falling snow, but from my recent shoveling experience this wasn't a peaceful quiet type of snow. Windy and violent. Snow flyin' sideways.
nice here! no snow.
I have never wanted to fish that bad. Getting fly line dressed for April 15th 'first krayfish sighting of 2016'.....til then, F it
krayfish2 wrote:
I have never wanted to fish that bad. Getting fly line dressed for April 15th 'first krayfish sighting of 2016'.....til then, F it

One of the mods should edit your sig to "Fair weather fishermen"
This thread should be re-titled Half Crazy or better yet, Bat $hite Crazy. Who in their right mind would have attempted to go fishing in SouthEast PA yesterday, or today for that matter?
Today would be a great day if you could walk to a creek or find a place to park. Ice anglers are often faced with similar circumstances. They often have to dig a parking space near a lake or at least dig through the plowed material at the side of the road in order to park, and often at about 5:30 AM. Well-rounded, serious anglers do not view this as being out of the ordinary. A little adversity is part of the game.
Ok, while trying to get to fishing in the storm would have been ridiculous, I would like to ask a more serious question.

Do fish really bite during a snowstorm? Like is the fishing better in any way as compared to just plain cold winter fishing?

I admittedly have zero ffishing experience during the winter, call it a lack of good waders for starters. But I was wondering about stuff like cloud cover or barometric pressure or anything like that affecting the fishes eating habits. Or does it really make no difference at all?

I know winter fishing can be productive but is it generally slower all around or is it better on slightly warmer days? or does it just depend what you're throwing at em? I mean I would imagine you don't just go out there and throw caddis dries in the dead of winter and expect to catch trout.
I ask because there are a few small streams I could cross country ski to from my front door.
If the smaller streams look like anything like the Delaware does, I'm not even sure how you could fish right now. It looks like that painting of Washington crossing it.
Those small streams are probably mostly frozen right now, which would make fishing tough. Yes, you have small populations of wild Brooks and wild Browns in Gibralter, depending upon which stream you decide to fish.
PA, winter can be good, but it's all about water temp. Regardless of what the actual value is, if it's increasing, fish will often turn on. And vice versa. That rise from 33 to 35 can make all the difference. And on limestoners, a drop from 46 to 44 can ruin things.

Note that with snow, a day that gets too far above freezing results in cooling water temps due to snowmelt and lots of 32 degree water entering the stream. So it can be tough for a while since it's hard to get much warming.
Cool, thanks for the tips guys. That makes perfect sense Pcray, just something I wouldn't think about having never even attempted to fish in winter, other than ice fishing on a lake.

Thanks Mike, I know there are some small streams on either side of me here, just haven't had a chance to explore any of them just yet. I really wanna do a kayak trip down the schuylkill for a day and hike into some of them at the mouth, just think that would be a fun adventure. Not sure exactly if the mouth of a creek is even a good place to fish for trout but it sounds like an easy way to access some of them even if it is just a section a few hundreds yards upstream from the river.

Gonna try and get my step son into Ffishing this spring so maybe that could buy me a little more free time to fish and teach him some discipline and respect for natures beauty.