Good News For Penns Wild Trout

Awesome! now why don't they do this elsewhere each year?
Lots of places could use this

OK, now they need to do this everywhere there are wild fish. follow Montana's footsteps and make closures public and get a website to go to and search where your planning on fishing and see what the restrictions are
Why is area where Poe dumps in not mentioned?
Isnt poe warmer then penns by the time it top spills from the dam and gets to penns?
"Ah crap, Penns is closed down due to warm water, well there goes my plans tomorrow. Guess I just head down to the tully with 8x and tricos."
-some guy in berks county
That is terrific management right there. Would like to see more things like this going on protecting the fisheries.
Depressing news that the situation is as bad as it is this summer. I was looking forward to some fall fishing on Penns Creek but may just leave it alone until early spring.

There has to be other wild trout streams under similar conditions. Why just Penns Creek? I guess there isn't enough staff to police it. Too bad some people lack the ethics to just leave the fish alone in these conditions.

Oh well, there's always the Tully. I kid!
Amazed that the PFBC actually made a decision that benefits wild trout.

Hopefully the stream is back in good shape by spawning time because I look forward to walking all over redds and ripping some of the big boys off those beds. Fish on!!
While this is great to see, my sentiments echo everyone else's, with the addition of "Since they realize how great of a resource this trout stream is, why are we still stocking on other Class As and not providing them any special protection also?"

It's a shame they won't just admit that special regs, and not open slaughter, are what provide an experience on a stream.
I assume the situation at Penns exists elsewhere however, I have never seen it at Penns or elsewhere.

While there is hardly any guarantee, now that the PFBC has opened the proverbial “can of worms” (heaven forbid) and done this with Penns, MAYBE the PFBC would consider doing it elsewhere IF someone told the local Regional Fisheries Biologist where else it is happening.

Don’t expect a similar closure on stocked streams (like for example where Slate meets Pine) but if it’s good for Penns, it should be good for any Class A with a similar “massed fish” situation.
Well lets be clear, it was the DCNR who closed down the stream sections and ASKED the PFBC for cooperation and LEO help. It wasnt the commishes idea, at least not according to the article.

Back in 1999 or whenever that drought was the locations mentioned and also the mouth of Pine were being slaughtered and the FBC said hey there is a harvest period and this would reduce angling opportunity. And didnt close it until after there were opening day crowds day after day there. Then I think I recall they did close it

So what about Pine mouth now? Not on DCNR land so I guess it open season.
I have noticed colder though certainly not like Panther or Swift. It picks up two cold trips and is shaded. Penn's flows for miles with many areas exposed to substantial sunlight beating down on rocks and water. Problem is Poe flows in somewhat of a shallow and open side channel and enters Penn's gradually. I have to say I have never seen fish stacked at the tribs and I have been up a couple times with very low and warm water.
Maurice wrote:
Well lets be clear, it was the DCNR who closed down the stream sections and ASKED the PFBC for cooperation and LEO help. It wasnt the commishes idea, at least not according to the article.

Back in 1999 or whenever that drought was the locations mentioned and also the mouth of Pine were being slaughtered and the FBC said hey there is a harvest period and this would reduce angling opportunity. And didnt close it until after there were opening day crowds day after day there. Then I think I recall they did close it

So what about Pine mouth now? Not on DCNR land so I guess it open season.

DCNR vs PFBC what's the difference whose idea it was, it happened.

In regards to the mouth of Pine...

Big Pine, mouth at the WB Susuquehanna? Why would the PFBC protect that, it's not even ATW?

Coburn, and it matters who initiated it when asking why they don't do it to more streams...because it wasn't a f&bc initiative. It was a dcnr idea. And I am glad it happened. Just clarifying.
I don't like the idea when there are hundreds of other wild trout stream at risk and PFBC ignores then. Shut them all down during this period until we get substantial rains. Last week there were pretty good rain storms that brought the streams up to normal for this time of the year. now they are right back to the low flows before the rain.
I had planned a week of camping and fishing out of Poe Paddy. I am assuming it is not worth going up there. Anyone have recs for another location?
I leave for Poe Valley tomorrow. My plan is to try and get into some pickerel on the lake. No offense orthofly, but Penns has been low for a while. I would've changed plans weeks ago. I'm only going at all bc its a big family trip.
No offense taken. I was supposed to be in South Sudan in a few weeks and the trip got postponed. I am looking to kill a few days at the end of the month. I was looking forward to camping and fishing and it looked to be my best bet. I have been waiting for rain all summer. Perhaps I'll try the upper Delaware. Any camping recs with fishing would be great. Otherwise it will become a few days of golf.
Here in MT, where I spend the summer (I've spent the last 16 summers in MT now, and am in PA in the winter), restrictions are placed on streams (or specific sections of streams) when the combination of low water levels and high water temperatures become stressful for trout.

Until a couple days ago, I thought that the decision to place angling restrictions were based solely on high water temperatures, but that is not the case.

These restrictions are widely communicated in the media, and on the FWP (Fish Wildlife and Parks) website. See current restrictions in effect now:

These restrictions are a big deal in MT, as angling and tourist dollars have a major impact on the economy. They are important, and necessary, however, for the long term protection of the fisheries.

In my opinion, PA should do exactly the same as MT - not only closing certain short section of streams like they have just done on Penns Creek, but closing longer portions, or entire streams/rivers, during drought periods, and/or when high water temperatures warrant it.

Incidentally, in years past I have seen trout stacked by the dozens in pools in small tributary streams in PA in the summer when the main stream/river got too low or hot in the summer -- I'm sure many others have seen these too. These "refuge" pools should probably be restricted to fishing as well.
