Common Courtesy: Editorial Comment



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA

Common courtesy is what we are looking for on PAFF.

If a member posts a thread about a certain subject, everyone is expected to try to stay on that subject. If another member has something to say not directly related to the problem, they just should start another thread about their subject, and post whatever you have to say without interrupting the OP.

It's a lot like courtesy on the stream. If an angler is working a pool with fish rising in front of him....don't wade behind him, cast over their shoulder with your slumpbuster, and strip it through the middle of the pool! Instead, work around them, give them room, and let them have their fun. Just go find your own pool to fish, and have your own fun without messing up someone else's fishing.

Further, our standard on here is not just to do what's legal. The above fishing scenario is legal.....but it's not right! The same for posting on here; just because you don't personally insult or attack someone doesn't mean you can say or do anything you please.

Members on here are given a lot of slack and are on the honor system. Do the right thing and be courteous to others so this place can be enjoyable for all to participate and learn about fly-fishing.

If all the above sounds stupid or corny to any member....maybe you're in the wrong place. We don't need the kind of guys on here that cast over our shoulder and yell "I paid for my license and I'll fish anywhere I want!!!"