Assault with the WMD


Active member
Feb 18, 2008
Padraic and PaulG,

I just wanted to say thanks for the WMD. I finally got out to one of my favorite holes today with my walking cast. I didn't catch any b/c I was limited to where I could go but got a lot of action with that fly. I used a size ten coated it with Frog's Fanny and had a lot of rises and a couple of takes. I was a little skeptical at first just cause of the way it looks. I am not anymore and wish I could have fished the whole stream b/c I probably would've caught a bunch with that fly.

Thanks again,

Prince Fish Fooler
A size 10! Geez. That's a Chernobyl WMD!! I usually use an 18. Even at that size, it's wonderfully visible.

Well, have fun. And let me know if you ever try a 1/0. I'd love to see the trout that tussled with that. :-D
You guys and your secret flies-- code names and all!
Hey guys just wanted to drop you a line... Not sure if anyone knows my Daddy O. (PaulG). Especially Padriac and a few others that are good friends of his. Well hell all of you are good friends of his... He just got out of the hospital a couple weeks ago and I noticed he has not been on since the day before he went in. He was in ICU for about a week. He scared the living #OOPS# out of us especially me the favorite. LOL. My brother a couple days before that was in HMC Trauma because the jack broke and a truck fell on him. He only had 3 broken ribs but is recovered as for Daddy O. although he is better minus some stomach issues and weakness he could use some good ole cheering up from his favorite Fishing and Jamboree Buddies. Give him a call... 717-512-8314. Thanks guys.... Paul G Daughter 😎
I had one shoot from the bottom and slam it!! I had a hand tied leader that was a little long for where I was standing. But like I said I am not really too mobile yet b/c I can't get this cast wet. So when I had the takes I had a little too much slack and they spit it before I could set the hook. Great time none the less.

Tell him good luck and I hope he has a speedy recovery.
WMD...Wild Mans Daughter?
WMD is Weapon of Mass Destruction or in this case the orange ant. When Paul was whoopin up on all the trout from north to south in PA on the orange ant. Soon came the WMD term from our administration and he coined it toward the fly once during a converstion and it stuck.
Can one buy these online somewhere? I found cinnimon ants a few places and one guy on e-bay has an orange ant in a size 10.

I don't tie much, although I guess this would be an easy one to tie if I have to...
Its fluorescent orange...the brightest you can find with a few turns of oversized white hackle.
And when my children are catching trout on it I will credit PaulG on it!!! I will make the jam next year!!!!!
My Daddy O has been fishing with Orange Ants for a ton of years. I use to get them for him for almost every holiday and birthday. A guy I work with use to make them for him. I have not got him them in a while. But, he did have a good supply. I never brought it up because I know you FF men have a lot of secrets. Thanks for calling and giving my Daddy O good wishes. That is just what he needed to pick up his spirits... Thanks Guys. You are all the greatest. Paul G Oldest and Favorite....
Must be the ruff equivelent of my cinnamon ant. Trout can't resist it. I only use it very infrequently on brookie streams though because they tend to inhale it.