Allenberry Resort - Sold



Sep 6, 2013
Looks like we have a buyer for the Allenberry Resort.
Interesting. Thanks for the heads-up.
Wow. Thats great. I wonder who it could be? It says a local person.
Hopefully it's great. They own both sides of the Breeches. Access could really be affected.
Another article about the sale:

Hopefully it's great. They own both sides of the Breeches. Access could really be affected.

Based on the articles it sounds like the new owner plans to continue to allow for public access. I understand that the Heinze family had stressed with all potential buyers that they wished for access to continue under new definitely not the doom and gloom scenarios everybody's been fretting about lately.
It sounds like the new owner has plans to maintain the Allenberry Inn 57-acre parcel as a resort, which is an ambitious plan given how much work the facility will need to attract new business...

...because without new business they will be in the same boat as the Heinze family, losing money.

I’m guessing the 57-acre “development” parcel will be sold off for housing which may help to finance Allenberry refurbishment but who knows.

The fishing thing may or may not be of importance to them because at a rack rate of $135 a night for a dirty old room with no amenities and sometimes NO hot water, I don’t know how many fisherman they attracted anyway.

The only time I’ve seen the place relatively full of fishermen is during PFFMA events when 99% were taking advantage of a PFFMA member rate of $49. Even @ $49, Motel 6 in Carlisle is cleaner. If the place just gets a minor facelift and a new person writing the paychecks, I won’t be staying there again anytime soon.

I wish the new owners luck with whatever plans they have because they will need it but I won’t be surprised if it isn’t for sale again in the near future.
The Heinzes did more than most in their situation for "public" access, partnering with FF groups, and allowing the teens from camp to run quasi-wild.

Were the facilities 5-star? No. But there weren't gates and guard dogs, either. :)
Totally in agreement with CastingAcross. The place was loaded with charm. Many of my favorite B&Bs around the world aren't Ritz or Marriott in terms of raw housekeeping cleanliness, but that's not why my wife and I like them. We really liked their theater productions - again not Broadway, but that's not why we value them.
+1 on staying at B&B's. Most of the one's I stayed at were old houses and I like the charm.
If a shrewd buyer wanted to take advantage of the current assets, without doing any capital investment, fishing has to be near the top of the list. Privatizing the water and fee fishing would be a way to quickly generate cash flow to help improve the resort.

It would not go over well with a lot of people, especially at first. But the public often has a short memory. And I bet the majority of people who do stay there right now are not anglers. They would open the door to the fishermen with financial means to buy their good fishing and with the resources to spend much more for their stay at Allenberry.

Since the buyer is local and understands the history and tradition of the place, hopefully that won't happen. But you never know.
Appears that everybody can stop holding their breath perhaps even breath a sigh of relief....
Looks encouraging - thanks for the link Tomi.
"The plan for the site is to repair, renovate and upgrade facilities to make it a “world-class countryside resort while also staying connected to the characteristics and feel of the late 18th/early 19th century architecture and landscape.”

Does "world-class countryside resort" mean a club atmosphere with pay fishing and no more public access?

I'm sure it also means a much higher room rate and maybe the Fly Fishing Museum getting the boot or at minimum losing the $49 a night deal.

Does "world-class countryside resort" mean a club atmosphere with pay fishing and no more public access?

Well, aren't you just a glass half full.....based on the blurb below from the same article, I'm seeing a glass half full.

“We want to take all that the Heinze family has built and make it a point of pride for the next generation,” Kennedy said. “This is such a idyllic venue for so many uses including vacations, local fly-fishing, art endeavors and so much more.

Doesn't at all read like they plan to lock us out, imho...
Maybe not necessarily lock us out, but possibly price us out.

In regards to "take all that the Heinze family has built and make it a point of pride for the next generation".

That means nothing and is probably nothing more than some words of kindness to a person you still need to complete a deal with.

What the Heinz family legacy was in recent years is losing money. I doubt the new owners plan on that so something will have to change.

BTW - The glass is ALWAYS half empty!