2014 October Caddis Summit recap



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
This year we tried something new with the annual Quill Gordon Summit-we bumped to the Fall in hopes of better fishing. I would say the move was the right thing to do. The conditions were tough in God's Country, as water was low and gin clear in most every place we went. Despite tough conditions, everyone was able to find trout and the fishing was much better than it had been when we had our summit in the Spring. Mid to late April is simply too early to have great fishing in the Potter/Tioga/Clinton area.

My dad, Sal, and I arrived at camp around 9am on Thursday after what was possibly the fastest stop in at Sandfly's shop, Big Meadow Fly Shop, in history. Camp was in good shape, and we unpacked, got the cabin's heat and plumbing up and running, and Skybay arrived around 11:30am. He didn't even unpack his car. We headed straight for the first stream of the weekend.

The hike in was beautiful. We split into 2 groups. On the first stream, there's a series of beaver ponds. My dad and I cut off the trail at the first pond and fished upstream. Skybay and Sal headed up a way to the second pond and fished downstream. I picked up a nice brownie in the first pond, but because of the low, clear conditions, that was the only trout we were able to pick up. Sal and Skybay met us halfway between the two ponds, and fishing was slow for everyone. After hiking out, we headed straight for Lyman Run. We dropped Sal off at the beaver pond just upstream of Thompson Rd, and Skbay, my dad, and myself drove further upstream and met Sal in the middle. Lyman fished a little better. The three of us all picked up some small brookies and brownies, nothing of great size. Sal picked up two absolutely beautifuly brookies out of the beaver pond and just below.

We arrived back at camp to find Artifishal sitting around the fire ring playing guitar and enjoying a quiet evening on top of Denton Hill. Bikerfish, Night Stalker, and Wetfly01 all arrived Thursday evening, and plenty of good beer and food was had.

The next day we headed south and fished the Kettle Creek watershed. We began on Cross Fork. Wetfly divided us up into 4 groups of 2, broke us off into 4 different sections of the creek with two cars between each of the two groups, and we all covered some serious water upstream. Again, conditions were low and clear, but everyone got into some nice fish. It was a good mix of brookies and brownies, and from what I understand a few nice holdover bows made their way upstream as well. After fishing Cross Fork, we headed over to Kettle. Wetfly, Skybay, Night Stalker, and Artificial fished up through Ole Bull. Dad, Sal, Biker and I fished at Oleona with two of us going downstream, and two going upstream. Fishing on Kettle was solid the whole way. Lots of good sized fish were taken.

Back at camp, we found newer board member Brutus waiting for us. He had arrived a little earlier, headed out to Genessee Fork for a bit, and had just enough time to drink half a beer before Biker, Sal, dad and I pulled in. Then the waiting began...we sat around camp waiting and waiting for the other group of guys. I'll let others in that group tell this story, needless to say it involved Skybay, the deep dark woods of Ole Bull State Park, a policeman and a speeding ticket. More beer and food flowed Friday night. DaveS also popped in for a night of food and beer on his way up to the Upper D to fish with Krayfish.

Saturday the temps were cold in the AM, so none of us were pushing to get out the door. It had rained most of the night before, so water was a bit better. Dave took off around 9am for the Upper D, the rest of us got out around 10am or maybe a bit later. Most of the guys headed down to fish the big Pine. Some fished in Gaines, others a little further up. Wetfly and I fished a smaller stream and man we got into it. Lots of brownies and brookies, all the browns were SOLID. We met up in Ansonia around 3pm. The plan was to fish the big waters all together, but Wetfly and I decided to go back to a lower section of the same stream we fished in the AM. Glad we did because we hit it good. Solid browns, all over 12", fat and buttered up, great runs and deep pools, some were taken on dries, some on my dropper, and the flows were solid on this stream. This is a stream that we will certainly focus on next year We learned of several solid stretches, and we plan on doing a similar setup like we did on Cross Fork this year.

The other guys were able to get into some trout on the big water as well. A few big fallfish, rainbows, and browns were taken. Saturday nigh ended with some epic burgers, more beer, and good times.

A few guys stopped on the way home on Sunday to fish, they'll have to give their reports. I'm particularly interested in hearing how Artificial did on a certain small stream that flows behind Coudersport.

This was by far the best fishing we've had at the NCPA summits. We have decided the first weekend in October will be the date for next year, so clear the calendars. Bow hunters, wait til the 2nd week to go out and get to this summit. The comments were made at how affordable this is. Your lodging is pretty much free (by donation to my family's hunting club), everyone brings plenty of food and beer, its an issue of getting to the cabin.

Next year's jam is officially titled the "Where's Jared Summit" because that seemed to be a common question throughout the whole weekend. Gotta love Skybay. He keeps us all entertained!

We're gathering the pictures from the weekend. There will be plenty of fish porn posted soon.
Good stuff! It is very nice of you to offer your place and organize this. I have not fished in that part of the state in many years and it sounds great. When I was a boy I worked for the federal gov't in that area doing stream improvement on Cross Fork Creek. It is a beautiful area.
Some pictures

Stone Fly on the Road

Saturday's Sunset

Chunky brown

Dave (Wetfly01) hooks up

Dave with a nice holdover

Colorful rainbow

God's Country

Big brown on a small stream

Yours truly

Another fat brown

A bus cabin (they had a Dish Network dish on the other side of this thing!)

Another one of Dave's nice browns

Colors of Fall

The lane from my cabin

Some of the crew outside of the cabin

More pics to come from the other guys' outtings
This years October Caddis Summit was the the best since Sasquatch moved it to the first week in October. Weather was decent,stream flows were down but that didn't seem to bother the fish or us. It was a good time fishing with the regulars from the previous two summits and it was good to meet and fish with three new attendees. I am sure the new guys will be looking forward to coming back next year they seemed to have a good time. Yes, there was lots of beer and good food as always. A big thanks goes out to Skybay and Bikerfish for preparing the meals for us all again. In my opinion I thought fishing was really good. I fished with artificial on Friday and sasquatch on Saturday and we land some impressive brook trout and browns and few rainbows. I am pretty sure sasquatch landed the nicest brown on the trip, and I was right there to take the picture. It was a good fish for that stream. He also took a few pic's of a few nice browns I took. Both artificial and I landed some beautiful brooks and a few rainbows that were colored up nicely.

Well, the trip did kind of take a turn towards a little ugliness on Saturday night. First Skybay and Night_Stalker came off the water late and artificial and I were starting to worry a little. But after a trip up the road in the car we picked up Night_Stalker,but no Skybay. We turned around and headed down the road and here he came out of the woods with his flashlight strobbing,of coarse we had a good laugh,but we were concerned for him. As we headed back to camp which was about an hour away,it started raining and the fog set in on top of the mountain. Driving was a real bad with all that fog,so I decided to head down Cherry Springs road into Galeton and take Rt 6 back to camp. As we were motoring up Rt 6 just about a mile in a half from camp there the state trooper sat. You guessed it, he clocked me going 69 in a 55. As luck would have it we were right there in the driveway of the camp. Luckily he cut me a break and wrote it up for only 5 miles an hour over. I am thinking he could have just let me go too. I guess he wasn't a fly fishermen.but good thing he didn't make me open up the back.

All in all it was my pleasure to spend the weekend with a great group of guys and fellow fly fishermen. I so am looking forward to next years "Where's Jared Summit" NOT. The October Caddis Summit name it is. I am sure the fishing and company will be awesome again....... Sorry no pictures taken by me. Left my camera in my other vest. I guess that's were the bad luck came from. Looking forward to seeing the video and everyone's pictures.
Oh yes. Big shout-out to the cooks, Biker and Skybay (and I think Night Stalker assisted Jared the one evening as well!)

Although, Jared did fry up some jalepenos on Friday night, and this essentially created a large cloud of mustard gas that effectually put the rest of us down for the count!
It was a great time and a wonderful get together.
I just wish I wasn't so d@*# sick while I was there.

On my list for next time is to drive. I'm gonna hit oswayo and slate with or without you mofo's ;) haha just kidding, well maybe:)

Again thanks to Andy and all you guys. You were great!
Oswayo is on my list for next year too.
Awesome report - another great time on PA trout streams (also some mighty nice sized brookies there).
Amazing location to say the least. Andy was an awesome host. Wetfly01 was quite generous with his knowledge and time.

Here is a photo dump...


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LOL at my dad and the giant chub...notice he won't touch the thing either!

The "Alcoholic Drinks Prohibited" sign in the cabin has a funny story. When the members voted on no smoking in the cabin and hung the sign on the front door, the smokers got pissed, ganked that no drinking sign from a state park or somewhere, and hung it on the inside of the door to smite the anti-smoke crowd.

To be fair, the cabin is like one giant tinder box...

NS, I'm really glad you came and enjoyed it! I know you usually stalk the big boys, but it's awesome that you can appreciate and enjoy the small stream wilderness game too!
Looks like a good time was had by all. Great looking fish and a nice group of people to share them with.
Jesus here must be the God’s County!

Friendship, tranquility and fun, I’m not asking for more.

Few pics from 2014 October Caddis Summit.
The last image: this rainbow I took at the riffles on the sweet Kettle Creek (WetFly knows where), :)


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Looks like you guys had a good time. Sorry I missed it.
Me too, dude. I even remembered my hat this year....
Watch out for the beavers on Oswayo next year. Thats where I had one scare the living $hit out of me smacking the water right beside my leg. I also broke a fly rod there... hmmm, redemption may be in order. Maybe I will push my archery opening weekend back one week next year and try to make it up with you guys. I've never done much fishing this time of year because of hunting season. It looks like you had a blast!
I hear the 2nd half of bow season is better anyway....

Coming home, we saw a ton of flatlanders. Wonder if they were up for the leaves or something. Smart cars everywhere. Wouldn't want to hit a deer in one of those...
Andy, A big Thank You for the hospitality. I love hanging out at your cabin. Would have loved to stay, maybe next year. It is absolutely amazing this time of year up north!

Somebody should take all those $hitty days out of February, and put them in to October!
Sounds like a fun time and great report. I really need to make it up to NCPA in the next year or so as it looks like a nice place to get away from it all.

Will Skybay be posting a video of the action? I recall seeing one last year...