Articulated Fly Swap


Mar 1, 2010
Wanted to see if anyone was interested in doing an articulated fly swap. These big streamers are great for late season browns.

Since these are large flies that require more material I am going to set the limit at 10 tyers. You will need to tie 9 flies for the swap and additional flies for Dave Kile and the moderators if you choose.

The deadline for the swap will be March 1, 2012. Following the example of the other swaps I have taken part in, please send your flies in an inexpensive container with your name on it. Include a stamped return envelope.

Please include the recipe for the fly and any additional information you wish.

I will provide my address and email via pm once the swap is full. Please email or pm me when your flies have been mailed out so I know when to expect them.

This is my first time running a swap. I really enjoyed taking part in other swaps last year so I think this should be fun.

Hopefully we'll have enough interest to get a full swap. I am going to tie the peanut envy and have included a picture here.

I look forward to seeing some different articulated flies! The tyers on this board are all top notch...can't wait to see what you do!


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I'll join...pattern TBA
Yea I am in, I will pick a pattern later.
In on this as well. Had fun with last year's meat box swap. Black circus peanut for my pattern.
I would like to except I've never tied them and would feel bad giving my ties to all of you looking like a bus ran over them and getting your nice ties in return.
If you aren't confident in your tying skills, just pick a fly that you are comfortable with. Something like a circus peanut or great lakes deceiver might be a good choice that would be useful to anyone, even you are a beginning tier.
Foxgap239 wrote:
I would like to except I've never tied them and would feel bad giving my ties to all of you looking like a bus ran over them and getting your nice ties in return.

Fox, don't let that hold ya back. I had only tied a couple articulated flies before joining the meat swap last year. I bet your confidence tying them will go up after only a few.
Also noticed your post on the mouse thread. Some of the michigan guys use big articulated mice.


Those things are pretty ugly no matter who ties them ;-)
If you guys can't get 10 tyers then I'll certainly give them a try. I have been tying for almost 20 years so I'm a fairly good tyer but never tried articulated flies although I am going to try some nymphs this year from the Gonzales book.
Foxgap, join up and give it a try. Big articulated flies are supposed to be ugly.
I have been tying for almost 20 years so I'm a fairly good tyer but never tried articulated flies

Ha! Foxgap has been holding out us - we thought he was a newbie! I bet he ties the prettiest fly.
That my friend would be a losing bet! I do tie nice non-articulated flies, I'll admit that but now we're talking 2 hooks, so that's twice the flies I can screw up! Now that said, I also tie VERY slowly. I'm one of those seriously anal retentive or OCD, you chose the title, type guys. I have to clean my bench after every fly. No wonder it takes me weeks to tie up my sulfur stash!
i don't jave the ability to tie flys like that, but was wondering, how do you attach the hooks together?
If you guys don't mind, I think I'll tie the Articulated Ice Pick I tied for last year's meat box swap.
Foxgap is in, I demand it, been tying twice as long as I!!!! Join, even ugly streamers get lucky sometimes!
