A day at Seglock Run


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
I started fly fishing in late summer of last year so I'm still very much a beginer and I haven't totally put away the spinning rod. The past 2 weeks I have been chasing after stockies with my father like I have always traditionally done. Today it started to get a little old, even after catching a 20" rainbow. Nothing is more exciting to me than catching wild trout. After a cold morning and a relativly slow day I couldn't take it anymore, I had to switch it up and do somthing different so I decided to check out Seglock run for the fist time.

I arrived at Seglock around 1:00 pm and fished until 3:30 pm. Without knowing where to go I elected to start at the fist pull off past the posted signs

Started off with a royal wuf with a green copper john dropper. I lost 2 brookies and a very solid brown on the copper john. At this point I was pretty frustrated and just sat there to think a bit. It was during this lull that I noticed a stonefly hatch was starting and they were skittering accross the water.

As I rounded the bend to the next hole a saw a brookie take 3 flies right out of the air. I quickly looked through my fly box and tied on my best stonefly imitation along with a PT nymph for a dropper. Much to my suprise the fish ended up taking my nymph instead of the dry. This would be the case all the way up until the last hole that I fished.

With no luck on the stonefly I switched up again to an elk hair caddis and made one perfectly placed cast over the last run. Everythng happened so fast but I think that the brookie that took my fly was launching itself out of the water before my fly even touched the surface.

On they way out I ran into two spin fishermen who were just starting. I tried to ask them more about stream and how far up can I expect to catch fish but they didn't want to give up too much info but they were nice enough. I will definately be exploring the stream again.

All said and done it was a fantastic day. I fished through my fist hatch and got my fist dry fly trout of the year. I ended up with 8 trout, 6 brookies and 2 browns and lost 4 others with the biggest being a brown about 12 inches. I wasn't able to get pictures of the best fish because I didnt want to handle them too much but I hope you enjoy the photos I was able to take.



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That rod looks rather familiar. I'm glad it's working out for you. Congrats on your success, you figured it out and took some nice looking fish. Well done.
I figured you would appreciate that pic Jack. The rod is working nicely. Thanks again!
I'm not sure I believe all these Segloch Run reports over the last several years.

The PFBC did a study that proved that almost no one fishes these small freestone streams.
Is that supposed to be a knock on the PFBC? If 1% of all fisherman in PA fish small wild or native trout streams you have a pretty good chance of finding them here.
Nice write up and pics. From the stream shot, it looks like conditions were pretty good. I'm surprised how well it held that water from last week to be honest...I would have thought it would have been long gone by now. Like many small streams, when the water is low and clear you'd swear there wasn't a Trout in there...unless you caught a glimpse of one bolting while you were still about 50' away.

A 12" Brown is a very nice fish from Segloch. Segloch is only 20 minutes from my house and I probably fish it 4 or 5 times a year on average. I think I've only ever had one fish bigger than 10" and it was a 13" Brown.

To TB's point, in all of the times I've fished Segloch, I've never seen another angler. I can confirm the run pictured above is on Segloch though! All of that red sand in the background of the fish shots is a dead giveaway too.
I can't garuntee the brown was 12" but it was definately north of 10". I was messing around with it too long trying to get it unhooked to take a pic. Suprised the heck out of me when it took me under the bank in the run pictured above.
Believe it or not, I think I've only ever caught one dink Brown out of that run. In lower water it's very hard to fish, because you usually will spook a dink in the tail and he'll shoot up into the head of the run where the undercut is (and presumably the boss of the run) and spook everybody.

Even a 10"er is a good fish from Segloch...these are small stream Trout. Beautiful, but not very big.
JasonS wrote:
Just look up the EFIX data in the picture, it lists exact GPS coordinates.
Just wondering how you find the EFIX data? PM me if you like.
Save the picture to your computer. Google EFIX Data viewer and load the picture into the viewer and it will bring up all the EFIX data. Obviously you're only gonna get gps coordinates from a pic taken by phone, iphone definitely, not sure about the other ones.
As an example, the exact GPS coordinates to the run pictured above are:

40.250861 degrees N, 76.281236 degree W

Put the GPS coordinates into google maps as:

40.250861 , -76.281236

and it takes you right to segloch run

Now have fun going through the pic section of this site and finding a whole bunch of new streams to enjoy.
westpaflyfisher wrote:
i live in Northern Lancaster... can you help me get to that location in your photo? (please!)

Living in northern Lancaster County you shouldn't have a problem figuring out where Segloch Run is located. Go there, park and put some boots on the ground. 🙂 You may just find something better along the way in your exploration.


Nice job. Some good looking fish ..... sounds like you had a great day.
JasonS, I never knew you could glean that information from cell phone pictures.
I think someone is just trying to stir up the pot and soon this thread will turn into a spot burning debate. Don't worrie BrookieChaser, you can turn this function off on your phone so all your secret spots can still be safe!
Obviously, anyone who knows that feature and looks for it is an obvious spot-chaser.
HopBack wrote:
Don't worrie BrookieChaser, you can turn this function off on your phone so all your secret spots can still be safe!

That's good to know. I'll have to figure out if my phone has that feature turned on or off. Not that I was really worried, I don't post many pictures on the internet.
Before everybody and their brother starts the high tech spy stuff they might want to give that stream a day or two rest. They usually don't bite too well right after someone has fished it. Remember, THIS IS A TINY STREAM....