Segloch Clean Up


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
At Mo's suggestion in the stream report thread, I'm calling the PA DEP this morning (as soon as another coworker comes into the office and can step away from my desk) to report the tank. 250gal. Durango DMA Herbicide, about .5 miles upstream of the stone bridge. Does that sound about right as far as location?

DEP has been called and the issue is reported. Brian Moore at the DEP has the location, size, company name, etc. of the tank. He is contacting the Game Commission since it's on SGL.
Thank You Sasquatch. I hope they report back on what they do about the tank.

And if anyone is still interested in a stream clean up I am up for it. It wouldn't necessarily need to be a big organized thing....Maybe just a few volunteers and some trash bags for starters. We could then scout the stream and access whether we need more help removing large items.
Any update Squatch? I'm still up for a small scale (trash bags) clean up too.
Sorry, my class work is kicking up again. I haven't had much time to do much of anything, and may not until after May 10th. I'll try to get down to the stream soon to see if the crate is still there.

Sal told me that hopefully the game commission and the DEP don't start bickering about who should go clean it up, and they get that damn thing OUT OF THERE! I would LOVE to see the knucklehead who did this get absolutely nailed with the full extent of the law.